Heatmaps for Terrorist incidents

These data come from the University of Maryland Global Terrorism Database [http://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/]. The data span 1970 to 2013; each record is a different terrorist incident. In what follows we will construct a heatmap for each of the 44 years in the database.

library(sp)  # add spatial package to load the S4 spatial objects
library(spatstat)  # to calculate field of point density
## spatstat 1.37-0       (nickname: 'Model Prisoner') 
## For an introduction to spatstat, type 'beginner'
library(rworldmap) # to obtain countriesCoarse map file
## ### Welcome to rworldmap ###
## For a short introduction type :   vignette('rworldmap')

Country boundaries are from an internal R dataset. The terrorism data are downloaded from my website.

data(countriesCoarse) #world country boundaries
load(url("http://capone.mtsu.edu/eaeff/downloads/GDB19702013.Rdata")) # contains a dataframe named "u" of terrorist incidents
head(u,2) #look at top two rows of dataframe
##   iyear        country_txt          city latitude longitude
## 1  1970 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo    18.46    -69.95
## 2  1970             Mexico   Mexico city    19.43    -99.13
##               attacktype1_txt               targtype1_txt
## 1               Assassination Private Citizens & Property
## 2 Hostage Taking (Kidnapping)     Government (Diplomatic)
##                                gname weapdetail nkill
## 1                             MANO-D                1
## 2 23rd of September Communist League                0

We plot the frequency of terrorist incidents by year: note the increase since the Iraq invasion.

plot(table(u$iyear),ylab="frequency of terrorist incidents") #shows frequency of terrorist incidents by year

plot of chunk ex1 We will loop through each year of the data, each time calculating density of incidents, and writing our maps to *.png format files.

for (ii in unique(u$iyear)){
sSp <- as(SpatialPoints(u[which(u$iyear==ii),c("longitude","latitude")]), "ppp")  # convert points to ppp class
Dens <- density(sSp, adjust = 0.2)  # create density object
Dens$v[which(Dens$v<=quantile(Dens$v,.8))]<-NA # deletes lowest values in density image

tc <- colourmap(rainbow(128), breaks=seq(from=x[1],to=x[2],length=129))
plot(Dens, col=tc,box=FALSE, main=paste("Terrorist incidents",ii))  
getwd() # look for the *.png files in this directory
## [1] "E:/htm"

Here is an example of what our maps look like:

plot of chunk examplePlot