Codebook for Murdock Ethnographic Atlas.
code. Murdock Culture Region
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1265
First six non-missing records:
society	code
Kung	Aa1
Herero	Ab1
Swazi	Ab2
Ila	Ac1
Pende	Ac2
Bajun	Ad1
inea1. Is society present in the 863 society subsample published in 1967?
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=2
Freq	Value	Description
402	1	not in EA
863	2	in EA
eanumber. Ethnographic Atlas society number
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1265
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	633.745
min	1
max	1267
sd	365.896
navn. Short Ethnographic Atlas society name
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1265
First six non-missing records:
society	navn
eareg. Major Murdock Culture Region
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
414	A	Africa
164	C	Circum-Mediterranean
126	E	East Eurasia
167	I	Insular Pacific
285	N	North America
109	S	South America
v1. Gathering
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1264; Number of unique values=9
Freq	Value	Description
705	0	0-5% Dependence
264	1	6-15% Dependence
111	2	16-25% Dependence
61	3	26-35% Dependence
48	4	36-45% Dependence
35	5	46-55% Dependence
31	6	56-65% Dependence
6	7	66-75% Dependence
3	8	76-85% Dependence
v2. Hunting
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1264; Number of unique values=10
Freq	Value	Description
380	0	0-5% Dependence
451	1	6-15% Dependence
174	2	16-25% Dependence
134	3	26-35% Dependence
68	4	36-45% Dependence
27	5	46-55% Dependence
12	6	56-65% Dependence
6	7	66-75% Dependence
9	8	76-85% Dependence
3	9	86-100% Dependence
v3. Fishing
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1264; Number of unique values=10
Freq	Value	Description
441	0	0-5% Dependence
338	1	6-15% Dependence
204	2	16-25% Dependence
106	3	26-35% Dependence
77	4	36-45% Dependence
56	5	46-55% Dependence
26	6	56-65% Dependence
8	7	66-75% Dependence
7	8	76-85% Dependence
1	9	86-100% Dependence
v4. Animal Husbandry
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1264; Number of unique values=10
Freq	Value	Description
426	0	0-5% Dependence
335	1	6-15% Dependence
226	2	16-25% Dependence
137	3	26-35% Dependence
55	4	36-45% Dependence
33	5	46-55% Dependence
13	6	56-65% Dependence
12	7	66-75% Dependence
15	8	76-85% Dependence
12	9	86-100% Dependence
v5. Agriculture
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1264; Number of unique values=10
Freq	Value	Description
248	0	0-5% Dependence
49	1	6-15% Dependence
34	2	16-25% Dependence
37	3	26-35% Dependence
93	4	36-45% Dependence
208	5	46-55% Dependence
292	6	56-65% Dependence
201	7	66-75% Dependence
86	8	76-85% Dependence
16	9	86-100% Dependence
v6. Mode of Marriage (Primary)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1246; Number of unique values=7
Freq	Value	Description
646	1	Bride Price or wealth, to bride's family
123	2	Bride Service, to bride's family
68	3	Token bride price
62	4	Gift Exchange, reciprocal
39	5	Sister or female relative exchanged for bride
275	6	Absence of consideration
33	7	Dowry
19	NA	NA
v7. Mode of Marriage (Alternate)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1246; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
28	1	bride price or wealth, to bride's family
120	2	bride Service, to bride's family
31	3	Token bride price
14	5	Sister or female relative exchanged
25	7	Dowry, to bride from her family
1028	8	no alternate mode
19	NA	NA
v8. Domestic Organization
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1237; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
98	1	Independent nuclear family, monogamous
263	2	Independent nuclear family, polygyny
3	3	Independent polyandrous families
58	4	Polygynous: unusual co-wives
222	5	Polygynous: usual co-wives
44	6	Minimal extended families
319	7	Small extended families
230	8	Large extended families
28	NA	NA
v9. Marital Composition: Monogamy and Polygamy
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1229; Number of unique values=7
Freq	Value	Description
185	1	Independent nuclear, monogamous
452	2	Independent nuclear, polygyny
69	3	Preferentially sororal, same dwelling
18	4	Preferentially sororal, separate dwellings
344	5	Non-sororal, separate dwellings
157	6	Non-sororal, same dwelling
4	7	Independent polyandrous families
36	NA	NA
v10. Marital Residence with Kin: First Years
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1241; Number of unique values=5
Freq	Value	Description
10	1	Ambilocal
11	2	Nonestablishment of common household
204	3	Uxrilocal
15	4	Virilocal
1001	9	Not different from later years
24	NA	NA
v11. Transfer of Residence at Marriage: After First Years
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1233; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
879	1	Wife to husband's group
155	2	Couple to either group or neolocal
199	3	Husband to wife's group
32	NA	NA
v12. Marital Residence with Kin: After First Years
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1241; Number of unique values=10
Freq	Value	Description
55	1	Avunculocal
82	2	Ambilocal
5	3	Optionally uxorilocal or avunculocal
11	4	Optionally patrilocal
58	5	Matrilocal
61	6	Neolocal
8	7	No common residence
633	8	Patrilocal
82	9	Uxorilocal
246	10	Virilocal
24	NA	NA
v13. Marital Residence with Kin: Alternate Form
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1241; Number of unique values=5
Freq	Value	Description
92	1	Wife to husband's group
145	2	Couple to either group
225	3	Husband to wife's group
1	4	No common residence
778	9	No alternate form
24	NA	NA
v14. Transfer of Residence at Marriage: Alternate Form
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1241; Number of unique values=11
Freq	Value	Description
74	1	Avunculocal
6	2	Ambilocal
1	3	Optionally uxorilocal or avunculocal
3	4	Optionally patrilocal
1	5	Matrilocal
136	6	Neolocal
1	7	No common residence
8	8	Patrilocal
149	9	Uxorilocal
84	10	Virilocal
778	11	No alternate form
24	NA	NA
v15. Community Marriage Organization
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1077; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
78	1	Demes, not segregated into clan barrios
258	2	Segmented comunities witout local exogamy
386	3	Agamous communities
115	4	Exogamous communities
9	5	Segmented communities
231	6	Clan communities, or clan barrios
188	NA	NA
v16. Community Marriage Organization
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1077; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
188	1	Clan communities not segmented into clan barrios
43	2	Clan communities segmented into clan barrios
846	9	Other than clan communities
188	NA	NA
v17. Largest Patrilineal Kin Group
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1251; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
578	1	None
1	2	Patrilineal exogamy
168	3	Lineages in single community
392	4	Sibs, i.e., lineages in multiple communities
62	5	Phratries, i.e., three or more maxmimally extended sibs
50	6	Moieties
14	NA	NA
v18. Largest Patrilineal Exogamous Group (If Different from Variable 17)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1251; Number of unique values=4
Freq	Value	Description
87	3	Lineages in single community
24	4	Sibs, i.e., lineages in multiple communities
1	5	Phratries, i.e., three or more maximally extended sibs
1139	9	No different from variable 17, or Lo, Po, or So
14	NA	NA
v19. Largest Matrilineal Kin Group
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1251; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
1028	1	None
13	2	Matrilineal exogamy
44	3	Lineages in single community
119	4	Sibs, i.e., lineages in multiple communities
17	5	Phratries, i.e., three or more maximally extended sibs
30	6	Moieties
14	NA	NA
v20. Largest Matrilineal Exogamous Group (If Different from Variable 17)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1251; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
29	3	Lineages in a single community
13	4	Sibs, i.e., Lineages in multiple community
1209	9	No different from variable 17, or Lo, Po, or So
14	NA	NA
v21. Largest Cognatic Kin Group
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1252; Number of unique values=7
Freq	Value	Description
279	1	Bilateral descent
108	2	Kindreds: ego-oriented bilateral kin groups
4	3	Ambilineal descent
39	4	Ramages: ancestor oriented
9	5	exogamous ramages
13	6	Quasi-lineages: filiation based
800	9	Unilineal descent groups
13	NA	NA
v22. Secondary Cognatic Kin Group: Kindreds and Ramages
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1252; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
13	2	Kindreds: ego-oriented bilateral kin groups
3	4	Ramages: ancestor oriented ambilineal groups
1236	9	No secondary cognatic groups
13	NA	NA
v23. Cousin Marriages (Allowed)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1022; Number of unique values=11
Freq	Value	Description
200	1	Duolateral: either MoBrDa or FaSiDa
1	2	Duolateral: either FaBrDa or FaSiDa
8	3	Duolateral: either MoBrDa or MoSiDa
44	6	Matrilineal cross-cousin: MoBrDa only
270	7	Nonlateral all first and second cousin barred
276	8	Nonlateral evidence only for first cousins
5	9	Patrilineal cross-cousin: FaSiDa only
117	10	Quadrilateral any first cousin allowed
12	11	Nonlateral: no first cousins, some second cousins
64	12	Nonlateral: no first cousins, all second cousins
25	13	Trilateral: any first cousin not
243	NA	NA
v24. Subtypes of Cousin Marriages
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1022; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
117	1	All four cousins
25	2	three of four cousins
9	3	Two of four cousins
249	4	One of Four cousins
64	5	No first cousins, all second cousins
12	6	First and some second cousins excluded
276	7	No first, unknown for second
270	8	No first or second cousins
243	NA	NA
v25. Preferred rather than just Permitted Cousin Marriages
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1022; Number of unique values=15
Freq	Value	Description
81	1	Duolateral, symmetrical preference
38	2	Duolateral, matrilateral preference
13	3	Duolateral, patrilineal preference
2	4	Duolateral, with maternal cousins only, MoBrDa
27	5	Matrilineal cross-cousin, MoBrDa only
3	6	Patrilineal cross-cousin, FaSiDa only
44	7	Quadrilateral, FaSiDa preferred
7	8	Quadrilateral, symmetrical preference
4	9	Quadrilateral, matrilineal preference
7	10	Nonlateral, some second cousins
7	11	Nonlateral, all second cousins
4	12	Trilateral with bilateral preference
1	13	Trilateral with matrilateral preference
1	14	Trilateral with patrilateral preference
783	15	No preferred cousin marriages
243	NA	NA
v26. Subtypes of Cousin Marriages (Preferred rather than just Permitted)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1022; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
92	1	Symmetrical prefernce
72	2	MoBrDa preferred
17	3	FaSiDa preferred
44	4	FaBrDa preferred
14	5	A second cousin preferred
783	9	No preferred cousin marriage
243	NA	NA
v27. Kin Terms for Cousins
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=932; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
58	1	crow
74	2	Descriptive
101	3	Eskimo
338	4	Hawaiian
257	5	Iroquois
78	6	Omaha
14	7	Sudanese
12	8	Mixed
333	NA	NA
v28. Intensity of Agriculture
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1162; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
232	1	No agriculture
43	2	Casual agriculture
470	3	Extensive or shifting agriculture
98	4	Horticulture
193	5	Intensive agriculture
126	6	Intensive irrigated agriculture
103	NA	NA
v29. Major Crop Type
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1162; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value
241	1
2	2
3	3
80	4
232	5
604	6
103	NA
v30. Settlement Patterns
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1161; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
79	1	Nomadic or fully migratory
187	2	Seminomadic
93	3	Semisedentary
15	4	Compact but impermenant settlements
149	5	Neighborhoods of dispersed family homesteads
106	6	Separated hamlets, forming a single community
503	7	Compact and relatively permanent
29	8	Complex settlements
104	NA	NA
v31. Mean Size of Local Communities
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=585; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
117	1	Fewer than 50
107	2	50-99
104	3	100-199
83	4	200-399
60	5	400-1000
16	6	1,000 without any town of more than 5,000
36	7	Towns of 5,000-50,000 (one or more)
62	8	Cities of more than 50,000 (one or more)
680	NA	NA
v32. Jurisdictional Hierarchy of Local Community
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1141; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
355	1	Two levels
632	2	Three levels
154	3	Four levels
124	NA	NA
v33. Jurisdictional Hierarchy Beyond Local Community
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1129; Number of unique values=5
Freq	Value	Description
515	1	No levels
342	2	One levels
162	3	Two levels
83	4	Three levels
27	5	Four levels
136	NA	NA
v34. High Gods
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=748; Number of unique values=4
Freq	Value	Description
277	1	Absent or not reported
248	2	Not active in human affairs
42	3	Active in human affairs, not supportive of human morality
181	4	Supportive of human morality
517	NA	NA
v35. Games
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=463; Number of unique values=7
Freq	Value	Description
26	1	None of the three types
106	2	Physical skill only
2	3	Chance only
5	4	Strategy only
249	5	Skill and chance
29	6	Skill and strategy
46	8	All
802	NA	NA
v36. Post-partum Sex Taboos
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=358; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
8	1	none
62	2	No longer than one month
120	3	1 to 6 months
38	4	6 months to 1 year
72	5	More than one to two years
58	6	Over two years
907	NA	NA
v37. Male Genital Mutilations
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1090; Number of unique values=10
Freq	Value	Description
723	1	Absent
12	2	Within two months after birth
29	3	Two months to two years
23	4	2 to 5 years
72	5	6 to 10 years
117	6	11 to 15 years
12	7	16 to 25 years
5	8	25 to 50 years
1	9	After 50 years
96	10	Normal age unclear
175	NA	NA
v38. Segregation of Adolescent Boys
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=738; Number of unique values=5
Freq	Value	Description
440	1	absent
135	2	partial
38	3	with relatives outside nuclear family
10	4	with non-relatives
115	5	with peers
527	NA	NA
v39. Animals and Plow Cultivation
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1156; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
997	1	absent
18	2	not aboriginal
141	3	aboriginal to prior contact
109	NA	NA
v40. Predominant Type of Animal Husbandry
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1156; Number of unique values=7
Freq	Value	Description
319	1	absence or near absence of large domestic animals
113	2	pigs the only large animals
179	3	sheep and/ or goats without larger domestic animals
64	4	equine animals
8	5	deer
26	6	camels, alpacas, or llamas
447	7	bovine animals
109	NA	NA
v41. Milking of Domestic Animals
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1156; Number of unique values=2
Freq	Value	Description
800	1	little or no milking
356	2	milked more often than sporadically
109	NA	NA
v42. Subsistence Economy (Not in the original EA)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1264; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
103	1	gathering contributes most
114	2	fishing contributes most
75	3	hunting contribuets most
77	4	pastoralism contributes most
475	6	extensive agriculture contributes most
270	7	inensive agricultue contributes most
64	8	two or more sources contribute equally
86	9	agriculture contributes most, type unknown
v43. Descent: Major Type (From Variables 17, 19, 21, Not in the Original EA)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1248; Number of unique values=7
Freq	Value	Description
584	1	patrilineal
52	2	duolateral
160	3	matrilineal
11	4	Quasi-lineages
48	5	ambilineal
348	6	bilateral
45	7	mixed
17	NA	NA
v44. Sex Differences: Metal Working
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=950; Number of unique values=5
Freq	Value	Description
428	1	males only or almost alone
1	2	malea appreciably more
1	7	irrelevence of gender
5	8	activity present
515	9	absent or unimportant activity
315	NA	NA
v45. Sex Differences: Weaving
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=819; Number of unique values=9
Freq	Value	Description
97	1	males only
5	2	males appreciably more
15	3	differentialted but equal participation
10	4	equal participation
6	5	female appreciably more
176	6	females only
13	7	irrevelence of gender
60	8	activity present
437	9	absent or unimportant activity
446	NA	NA
v46. Sex Differences: Leather Working
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=611; Number of unique values=9
Freq	Value	Description
158	1	males only
7	2	males appreciably more
3	3	differentialted but equal participation
19	4	equal participation
17	5	female appreciably more
135	6	females only
4	7	irrevelence of gender
102	8	activity present
166	9	absent or unimportant activity
654	NA	NA
v47. Sex Differences: Pottery Making
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=841; Number of unique values=9
Freq	Value	Description
36	1	males only
4	2	males appreciably more
7	3	differentialted but equal participation
6	4	equal participation
12	5	female appreciably more
345	6	females only
8	7	irrevelence of gender
130	8	activity present
293	9	absent or unimportant activity
424	NA	NA
v48. Sex Differences: Boat Building
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=676; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
233	1	males only
9	2	males appreciably more
4	3	differentialted but equal participation
1	4	equal participation
3	6	females only
1	7	irrevelence of gender
160	8	activity present
265	9	absent or unimportant activity
589	NA	NA
v49. Sex Differences: House Construction
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=549; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
343	1	males only
69	2	males appreciably more
33	3	differentialted but equal participation
24	4	equal participation
9	5	female appreciably more
67	6	females only
1	8	activity present
3	9	absent or unimportant activity
716	NA	NA
v50. Sex Differences: Gathering
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=634; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
19	1	males only
17	2	males appreciably more
19	3	differentialted but equal participation
40	4	equal participation
128	5	female appreciably more
246	6	females only
4	8	activity present
161	9	absent or unimportant activity
631	NA	NA
v51. Sex Differences: Hunting
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=939; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
841	1	males only
13	2	males appreciably more
85	9	absent or unimportant activity
326	NA	NA
v52. Sex Differences: Fishing
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=820; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
303	1	males only
200	2	males appreciably more
55	3	differentialted but equal participation
38	4	equal participation
18	5	female appreciably more
20	6	females only
4	8	activity present
182	9	absent or unimportant activity
445	NA	NA
v53. Sex Differences: Animal Husbandry
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=784; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
194	1	males only
107	2	males appreciably more
65	3	differentialted but equal participation
39	4	equal participation
17	5	female appreciably more
44	6	females only
3	8	activity present
315	9	absent or unimportant activity
481	NA	NA
v54. Sex Differences: Agriculture
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=951; Number of unique values=7
Freq	Value	Description
70	1	males only
161	2	males appreciably more
90	3	differentialted but equal participation
140	4	equal participation
227	5	female appreciably more
32	6	females only
231	9	absent or unimportant activity
314	NA	NA
v55. Age or Occupational Specialization: Metal Working
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=950; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
416	3	craft specialization
2	4	industrialized specialization
532	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
315	NA	NA
v56. Age or Occupational Specialization: Weaving
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=819; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
46	3	craft specialization
14	4	industrialized specialization
759	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
446	NA	NA
v57. Age or Occupational Specialization: Leather Working
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=611; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
64	3	craft specialization
4	4	industrialized specialization
543	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
654	NA	NA
v58. Age or Occupational Specialization: Pottery Making
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=841; Number of unique values=4
Freq	Value	Description
2	2	senior age specialization
65	3	craft specialization
8	4	industrialized specialization
766	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
424	NA	NA
v59. Age or Occupational Specialization: Boat Building
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=676; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
36	3	craft specialization
1	4	industrialized specialization
639	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
589	NA	NA
v60. Age or Occupational Specialization: House Construction
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=549; Number of unique values=2
Freq	Value	Description
37	3	craft specialization
512	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
716	NA	NA
v61. Age or Occupational Specialization: Gathering
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=634; Number of unique values=2
Freq	Value	Description
1	1	junior age specialization
633	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
631	NA	NA
v62. Age or Occupational Specialization: Hunting
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=938; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
1	1	junior age specialization
24	3	craft specialization
913	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
327	NA	NA
v63. Age or Occupational Specialization: Fishing
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=820; Number of unique values=2
Freq	Value	Description
22	3	craft specialization
798	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
445	NA	NA
v64. Age or Occupational Specialization: Animal Husbandry
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=784; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
18	1	junior age specialization
3	3	craft specialization
763	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
481	NA	NA
v65. Age or Occupational Specialization: Agriculture
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=951; Number of unique values=2
Freq	Value	Description
1	3	craft specialization
950	9	task absent oe age/ occupational specialization absent
314	NA	NA
v66. Class Stratification
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1083; Number of unique values=5
Freq	Value	Description
532	1	absence among freemen
205	2	wealth distinctions
39	3	elite
228	4	dual
79	5	complex
182	NA	NA
v67. Class Stratification, Secondary Features
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1083; Number of unique values=5
Freq	Value	Description
10	2	wealth distinctions
9	3	elite
11	4	dual
11	5	complex
1042	9	no secondary type
182	NA	NA
v68. Class Stratification (Endogamy)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1077; Number of unique values=4
Freq	Value	Description
914	1	absent or insignificant
103	2	despised occupational groups
33	3	ethnic stratification
27	4	complex
188	NA	NA
v69. Class Stratification (Endogamy), Secondary Type
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1077; Number of unique values=3
Freq	Value	Description
4	2	Despised occupational group
3	3	ethnic stratification
1070	5	No secondary type or absence of stratification
188	NA	NA
v70. Type of Slavery
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1095; Number of unique values=4
Freq	Value	Description
523	1	absence or near absence
128	2	incipient or nonhereditary
217	3	reported but type not identified
227	4	hereditary and socially significant
170	NA	NA
v71. Former Presence of Slavery
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1095; Number of unique values=2
Freq	Value	Description
803	1	absent or exists currently and in past
292	2	fromerly present but not currently existing
170	NA	NA
v72. Succession to the Office of Local Headman
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=910; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
408	1	Patrilineal heir
101	2	Matrilineal heir
42	3	Appointment by higher authority
28	4	Senority or age
42	5	Influence, wealth or social status
100	6	Election or other formal consensus
87	7	Informal consensus
102	9	Absence of any such office
355	NA	NA
v73. Succession to the Office of Local Headman: Type of Hereditary Succession
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=910; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
307	1	hereditary by son
101	2	hereditary by other patrilineal heir
37	3	hereditary by a sister's son
64	4	hereditary by other matrilineal heir
299	5	nonhereditary
102	9	Absence of any such office
355	NA	NA
v74. Inheritance Rule for Real Property (Land)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=830; Number of unique values=7
Freq	Value	Description
212	1	absence of individual property rights
31	2	matrilineal (sister's sons)
60	3	other matrilineal heirs
43	4	children, with daughters recieving less
55	5	children, equally for both sexes
90	6	other patrilineal heirs
339	7	patrilineal (sons)
435	NA	NA
v75. Inheritance Distribution for Real Property (Land)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=794; Number of unique values=5
Freq	Value	Description
300	1	equal or relatively equal
19	2	exclusively
16	3	ultimogeniture
247	4	primogeniture
212	9	absence of inheritance of real property
471	NA	NA
v76. Inheritance Rule for Movable Property
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=884; Number of unique values=7
Freq	Value	Description
132	1	absence of individual property rights or rules
45	2	Matrilineal
73	3	other matrilineal
67	4	children, with daughters receiving less
88	5	children, equally for both sexes
87	6	other patrilineal heirs
392	7	patrilineal
381	NA	NA
v77. Inheritance Distribution for Movable Property
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=883; Number of unique values=5
Freq	Value	Description
433	1	equal or relatively equal
18	2	exclusively
14	3	ultimogeniture
244	4	primogeniture
174	9	absence of inheritance of real property
382	NA	NA
v78. Norms of Premarital Sexual Behavior of Girls
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=572; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
47	1	early marriage of females
146	2	insistence on virginity
114	3	prohibited but weakly censured
52	4	allowed, censured only if pregnancy
10	5	trial, marriage, promiscuous relation prohibited
203	6	freely permitted
693	NA	NA
v79. Prevailing Type of Dwelling: Ground Plan
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1171; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
6	1	semicircular
510	2	circular
42	3	elliptical or elongated with rounded ends
2	4	polygonal
560	5	rectangular or square
51	6	quadrangular around
94	NA	NA
v80. Prevailing Type of Dwelling: Floor Level
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1153; Number of unique values=4
Freq	Value	Description
82	1	subterranean or semi-subterranean
926	2	floor formed by ground
66	3	elevated slightly or raised platform
79	4	raised substantially on piles, posts, or piers
112	NA	NA
v81. Prevailing Type of Dwelling: Wall Material
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=747; Number of unique values=9
Freq	Value	Description
61	1	stone, stucco, concrete, or fired brink
142	2	plaster, mud and dung, or wattle and daub
173	3	wood, including logs, planks, poles, bamboo, or shingles
19	4	bark
6	5	hides or skin
25	6	felt, cloth, or other fabrics
86	7	mats, latticework, or wattle
50	8	grass, leaves, or other thatch
185	9	adobe, clay, or dried brick
518	NA	NA
v82. Prevailing Type of Dwelling: Shape of Roof
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1109; Number of unique values=9
Freq	Value	Description
38	1	rounded or semi-cylindrical
102	2	dome or hemisphere
58	3	beehive with pointed peak
350	4	conical
8	5	semi-hemisphere
15	6	shed
95	7	flat or horizontal
358	8	gabled
85	9	hipped or pyramidal
156	NA	NA
v83. Prevailing Type of Dwelling: Roofing Materials
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1134; Number of unique values=10
Freq	Value	Description
22	1	stone, slate, tile, or fired brink
12	2	plaster, clay, mud and dung, or wattle and daub
48	3	wood, including logs, planks, poles, bamboo, or shingles
38	4	bark
42	5	hides or skin
24	6	felt, cloth, or other fabrics
44	7	mats
772	8	grass, leaves, brush or other thatch
125	9	earth or turf
7	10	ice or snow
131	NA	NA
v84. Secondary or Alternative House Type: Ground Plan
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=333; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
7	1	semicircular
142	2	circular
11	3	elliptical or elongated with rounded ends
1	4	polygonal
163	5	rectangular or square
9	6	quadrangular around
932	NA	NA
v85. Secondary or Alternative House Type: Floor Level
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=331; Number of unique values=4
Freq	Value	Description
24	1	subhterranean or semi-subterranean
271	2	floor formed by ground
15	3	elevated slighty or on raise platform
21	4	raised substantially on piles, posts, or piers
934	NA	NA
v86. Secondary or Alternative House Type: Wall Material
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=175; Number of unique values=9
Freq	Value	Description
20	1	stone, stucco, concrete, or fired brink
34	2	plaster, mud and dung, or wattle and daub
27	3	wood, including logs, planks, polees, bamboo, or shingles
8	4	bark
1	5	hides or skin
3	6	felt, cloth, or other fabrics
18	7	mats. latticework, or wattle
19	8	grass, leaves, or other thatch
45	9	adobe, clay, or dried brick
1090	NA	NA
v87. Secondary or Alternative House Type: Shape of Roof
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=312; Number of unique values=9
Freq	Value	Description
1	1	rounded or semi cylindrical
28	2	dome or hemisphere
10	3	behive with pointed peak
102	4	conical
8	5	semi-hemisphere
8	6	shed
39	7	flat or horizontal
91	8	gabled
25	9	hipped or pyramidal
953	NA	NA
v88. Secondary or Alternative House Type: Roofing Materials
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=326; Number of unique values=9
Freq	Value	Description
10	1	stone, or slate, tile, fired brink
1	2	plaster, clay, mud and dung, or wattle and daub
10	3	wood, including logs, planks, poles, bamboo, or shingles
27	4	bark
26	5	hides or skin
3	6	felt, cloth, or other fabrics
33	7	mats
179	8	grass, leaves, brush, or other thatch
37	9	ice or snow
939	NA	NA
v89. Inclusion in Summary Atlas Volume (1967)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=2
Freq	Value	Description
402	1	no
863	2	yes
v90. Political Integration (WES Column 15)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=312; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
23	1	absence, even at local level
131	2	autonomous local communities
9	3	peace groups transcending local communities
79	4	minimal states
28	5	little states
42	6	states
953	NA	NA
v91. Region
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=6
Freq	Value	Description
414	A	Africa
164	C	Circum-Mediterranean
126	E	East Eurasia
167	I	Insular Pacific
285	N	North America
109	S	South America
v92. Area within each region
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=60
First six non-missing records:
society	v92
Kung	Aa
Herero	Ab
Swazi	Ab
Ila	Ac
Pende	Ac
Bajun	Ad
v93. Ethnographic Atlas Number
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=67
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	16.747
min	1
max	67
sd	14.183
v94. Political Succession for the Local Community (WES Column 15)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=294; Number of unique values=11
Freq	Value	Description
67	11	PL, a son preferred to a younger brother
9	12	PL, a younger brother preferred to a son
61	13	PL, other than B or S
8	24	ML, a sister's son preferred to a younger brother
8	25	ML, a younger brother preferred to a sister's son
14	26	ML, other than SS or yB
11	39	appointment by some higher authority
26	49	election or formal consensus
41	59	informal consensus, personal influence or age
19	69	councils, or other collective body
30	99	absence of indigenous political authority
971	NA	NA
v95. Climate: Primary Environment (Coded by Frank Moore from Phillips Comparative Atlas)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=398; Number of unique values=15
Freq	Value	Description
11	23	Tundra (northern areas)
21	36	Northern coniferous forest
8	44	High plateau steppe
19	46	Temperate forest (mostly mountainous)
3	51	Desert (including arctic)
37	52	Desert grasses and shrubs
25	54	Temperate grasslands
11	55	Mediterranean (dry, deciduous, and evergreen forests)
16	56	Temperate woodland
5	65	Oases and certain restricted river valleys
24	74	Sub-tropical bush
27	78	Sub-tropical rain forest
64	84	Tropical grassland
14	87	Monsoon forest
113	88	Tropical rain forest
867	NA	NA
v96. Climate: Secondary Environments (Coded by Frank Moore from Phillips Comparative Atlas)
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=397; Number of unique values=14
Freq	Value	Description
1	23	tundra
1	36	northern coniferous forest
4	46	temperate forest
1	51	desert
7	52	desert grasses and shrubs
1	54	temperate grasslands
7	56	temperate woodland
1	65	oases and certain restricted river valleys
1	74	sub-tropical bush
5	78	sub-tropical rain forest
17	84	tropical grassland
1	87	monsoon forest
9	88	tropical rain forest
341	99	no secondary environment
868	NA	NA
v97. Linguistic Affiliation: Language Continent
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1201; Number of unique values=5
Freq	Value	Description
531	1	Africa- Mideastern
214	2	East Eurasia
91	3	North Eurasisan
266	4	North American
99	5	South American
64	NA	NA
v98. Linguistic Affiliation: Language Phylum
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1201; Number of unique values=72
Stat	Value
nobs	1201
mean	20.933
min	1
max	99
sd	23.526
v99. Linguistic Affiliation: Subfamilies
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=670; Number of unique values=57
Stat	Value
nobs	670
mean	13.3
min	1
max	57
sd	14.306
v102. Date: Year with Century
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1256; Number of unique values=55
Stat	Value
nobs	1256
mean	1897.554
min	-800
max	2000
sd	135.515
v104. Latitude
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=113
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	14.511
min	-55
max	78
sd	22.142
v106. Longitude
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=286
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	1.553
min	-190
max	179
sd	84.707
v107. Society name
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1265
First six non-missing records:
society	v107
Kung	KUNG. . .
Herero	HERERO. .
Swazi	SWAZI . .
Ila	ILA . . .
Pende	PENDE . .
Bajun	BAJUN . .
v112. Trance States
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=658; Number of unique values=8
Freq	Value	Description
135	1	Trance exists, no belief in possession
45	2	A belief in possession exists
67	3	Trance exists, sole explanation is possession, no other manifestations of possession
93	4	Possession is one of the explanations of trance, possession also has other manifestations
79	5	Trance exists, possession explains other phenomena, but not trance
85	6	Possession is sole cause of trance, but possession has manifestations other than trance
36	7	Possession is one of the explanations of trance, possession has no other manifestations
118	8	Trance does not exist, no belief in possession.
607	NA	NA
v113. Societal Rigidity
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=32; Number of unique values=2
Freq	Value	Description
13	1	Flexible
19	2	Rigid
1233	NA	NA
v114. Ethnographic Atlas Cluster number
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=641; Number of unique values=350
Stat	Value
nobs	641
mean	197.744
min	1
max	412
sd	119.664
iso639.3. ISO 639-3 language code, used on Ethnologue (
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1064
First six non-missing records:
society	iso639.3
Kung	knw
Herero	her
Swazi	ssw
Ila	ilb
Pende	pem
Bajun	swh
lang. Language name, from Ethnologue (
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1061
First six non-missing records:
society	lang
Kung	Kungekoka
Herero	Herero
Swazi	Swati
Ila	Ila
Pende	Phende
Bajun	Swahili
phyl. Language phylogenetic classification, from Ethnologue (
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=786
First six non-missing records:
society	phyl
Kung	Khoisan, Southern Africa, Northern
Herero	Niger-congo, Atlantic-congo, Volta-congo, Benue-congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Central, R, Herero (r 30)
Swazi	Niger-congo, Atlantic-congo, Volta-congo, Benue-congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Central, S, Nguni (s 40)
Ila	Niger-congo, Atlantic-congo, Volta-congo, Benue-congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Central, M, Lenje-tonga (m 60), Tonga
Pende	Niger-congo, Atlantic-congo, Volta-congo, Benue-congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Central, K, Holu (k 10)
Bajun	Niger-congo, Atlantic-congo, Volta-congo, Benue-congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Central, G, Swahili (g 40)
reg. Classification into Old World or New World. Used for calculation of linguistic proximity matrix.
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=2
Freq	Value
389	newWorld
876	oldWorld
meanalt. BIOCLIM: Mean altitude within 20 km radius (m) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1230
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	662.163
min	-7.53
max	6049.991
sd	683.242
sdalt. BIOCLIM: Standard deviation of altitude within 20 km radius (m) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1230
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	105.8
min	0.568
max	998.588
sd	126.982
bio.1. BIOCLIM: Annual Mean Temperature (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=307
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	195.257
min	-165
max	300
sd	87.733
bio.2. BIOCLIM: Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)) (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=155
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	116.249
min	43
max	190
sd	30.212
bio.3. BIOCLIM: Isothermality (bio_2/bio_7) (* 100) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=96
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	58.681
min	14
max	94.273
sd	18.844
bio.4. BIOCLIM: Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1109
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	3591.353
min	106.414
max	20333
sd	3516.254
bio.5. BIOCLIM: Max Temperature of Warmest Month (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=282
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	310.842
min	52.135
max	460
sd	59.38
bio.6. BIOCLIM: Min Temperature of Coldest Month (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=435
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	84.158
min	-427
max	257
sd	130.439
bio.7. BIOCLIM: Temperature Annual Range (bio_5-bio_6) (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=403
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	226.671
min	54
max	658
sd	109.693
bio.8. BIOCLIM: Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=320
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	204.459
min	-94
max	351
sd	81.376
bio.9. BIOCLIM: Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=340
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	184.372
min	-331
max	351
sd	111.258
bio.10. BIOCLIM: Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=272
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	240.061
min	13
max	358
sd	57.518
bio.11. BIOCLIM: Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=386
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	148.555
min	-371
max	283.913
sd	127.078
bio.12. BIOCLIM: Annual Precipitation (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1015
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	1329.712
min	0
max	7038
sd	976.256
bio.13. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Wettest Month (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=484
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	224.398
min	0
max	1184
sd	153.902
bio.14. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Driest Month (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=190
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	32.732
min	0
max	407
sd	53.773
bio.15. BIOCLIM: Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=173
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	65.792
min	0
max	216
sd	33.536
bio.16. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Wettest Quarter (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=788
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	593.049
min	0
max	3308
sd	409.621
bio.17. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Driest Quarter (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=369
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	118.854
min	0
max	1354
sd	177.253
bio.18. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Warmest Quarter (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=620
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	318.096
min	0
max	1913
sd	289.766
bio.19. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Coldest Quarter (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=599
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	303.147
min	0
max	2713
sd	358.561
mnnpp. Mean Net Primary Production within 50 km radius. (scaled) (Imhoff et al. 2004)
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1210
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	0.056
min	-1.329
max	2.458
sd	0.994
long. Longitude (decimal degrees)--rectified
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=887
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	1.465
min	-178.132
max	179.495
sd	84.687
lati. Latitude (decimal degrees)--rectified
Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=771
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	14.489
min	-55.427
max	77.49
sd	22.165
ecoregion. WWF ecoregion. (Olson et al. 2001)
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=376
First six non-missing records:
society	ecoregion
Kung	Kalahari Acacia-Baikiaea Woodland
Herero	Kalahari Xeric Savanna
Swazi	Drakensburg Afro-montane Grassland and Woodland
Ila	Zambezian Flooded Grassland
Pende	Southern Congolian Forest-Savanna Mosaic
Bajun	East African Mangroves WWF major habitat type. (Olson et al. 2001)
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=16
Freq	Value
24	Boreal forest/taigas
133	Deserts and xeric shrublands
12	Flooded grasslands
15	Mangroves
38	Mediterranean scrub
23	Montane grasslands
3	Snow, ice, glaciers, and rock
61	Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests
89	Temperate coniferous forests
49	Temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands
18	Tropical and subtropical coniferous forests
57	Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests
341	Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands
378	Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests
21	Tundra
3	Water
koeppengei. Koeppen-Geiger climate classification. (Kottek et al. 2006)
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=25
Freq	Value	Description
174	Af	Equatorial: fully humid
103	Am	Equatorial: monsoonal
8	As	Equatorial: summer dry
359	Aw	Equatorial: winter dry
83	BSh	Arid: steppe; hot
61	BSk	Arid: steppe; cold
65	BWh	Arid: desert; hot
14	BWk	Arid: desert; cold
34	Cfa	Warm Temperate: fully humid; hot summer
57	Cfb	Warm Temperate: fully humid; warm summer
4	Cfc	Warm Temperate: fully humid; cool summer
27	Csa	Warm Temperate: summer dry; hot summer
60	Csb	Warm Temperate: summer dry; warm summer
44	Cwa	Warm Temperate: winter dry; hot summer
29	Cwb	Warm Temperate: winter dry; warm summer
14	Dfa	Snow: fully humid; hot summer
52	Dfb	Snow: fully humid; warm summer
34	Dfc	Snow: fully humid; cool summer
1	Dfd	Snow: fully humid; extremely continental
4	Dsb	Snow: summer dry; warm summer
1	Dsc	Snow: summer dry; cool summer
3	Dwa	Snow: winter dry; hot summer
3	Dwb	Snow: winter dry; warm summer
1	Dwc	Snow: winter dry; cool summer
30	ET	Polar: tundra
society. Ethnographic Atlas society name
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1265
First six non-missing records:
society	society.1
Kung	Kung
Herero	Herero
Swazi	Swazi
Ila	Ila
Pende	Pende
Bajun	Bajun
continent. Continent
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=7
Freq	Value
535	Africa
215	Asia
13	Australia
30	Europe
307	North America
74	Oceania
91	South America
region. Major sub-continental geographic region
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=24
Freq	Value
9	Asiatic Russia
14	Australia/New Zealand
3	Caribbean
41	Central America
3	Central Asia
148	Eastern Africa
28	Eastern Asia
8	Eastern Europe
8	European Russia
63	Melanesia
21	Micronesia
124	Middle Africa
70	Northern Africa
263	Northern America
3	Northern Europe
18	Polynesia
91	South America
67	Southeastern Asia
17	Southern Africa
63	Southern Asia
9	Southern Europe
176	Western Africa
16	Western Asia
2	Western Europe
iso. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes (GADM-2 data from
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=151
First six non-missing records:
society	iso
Kung	NAM
Herero	NAM
Swazi	SWZ
Pende	COD
Bajun	KEN
name.0. Name of Country (GADM-2 data from
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=151
First six non-missing records:
society	name.0
Kung	Namibia
Herero	Namibia
Swazi	Swaziland
Ila	Zambia
Pende	Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bajun	Kenya
name.1. Name of first subnational administrative level (GADM-2 data from
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1252; Number of unique values=581
First six non-missing records:
society	name.1
Kung	Otjozondjupa
Herero	Erongo
Swazi	Manzini
Ila	Southern
Pende	Kasai-Occidental
Bajun	Coast
hasc.1. Hierarchical administrative subdivision code--level 1 (GADM-2 data from
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1176; Number of unique values=576
First six non-missing records:
society	hasc.1
Kung	NA.OD
Herero	NA.ER
Swazi	SZ.MA
Pende	CD.KC
Bajun	KE.CO
name.2. Name of second subnational administrative level (GADM-2 data from
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1195; Number of unique values=953
First six non-missing records:
society	name.2
Kung	Tsumkwe
Herero	Omaruru
Ila	Itezhi-Tezhi
Pende	Kasai
Bajun	Lamu
Nyoro	Kibanda
hasc.2. Hierarchical administrative subdivision code--level 2 (GADM-2 data from
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=847; Number of unique values=701
First six non-missing records:
society	hasc.2
Herero	NA.ER.OM
Bajun	KE.CO.LM
name.3. Name of third subnational administrative level (GADM-2 data from
Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=526; Number of unique values=467
First six non-missing records:
society	name.3
Pende	Thikapa
Bajun	Kiunga
Nyoro	Kiryandongo
Amba	Irumu
Kissi	Beindou
Bambara	Dioila
eaid. Ethnographic Atlas ID number, if society is in the EA
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=1265; Number of unique values=1265
Stat	Value
nobs	1265
mean	633.745
min	1
max	1267
sd	365.896
lrbid. Binford foragers ID number, if society is in the LRB
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=206; Number of unique values=206
Stat	Value
nobs	206
mean	189.981
min	1
max	339
sd	89.485
sccsid. Standard Cross Cultural Sample ID number, if society is in the SCCS
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=186; Number of unique values=186
Stat	Value
nobs	186
mean	93.5
min	1
max	186
sd	53.838
wnaiid. Western North American Indian ID number, if society is in the WNAI
Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=104; Number of unique values=104
Stat	Value
nobs	104
mean	80.971
min	2
max	172
sd	48.631