Codebook for Louis R. Binford's foragers dataset.



seq339. Sequence number

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=339

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            170

min             1

max             339

sd              98.005


groupno. Group number

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=339

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            192.13

min             1

max             390

sd              112.851


name. Version 1 of society name

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=339

First six non-missing records:

society         name

Punan           Punan_(Borneo)

Batek           Batek_Phillipines

Kubu            Kubu-(Ridan)

Shompen         Shompen

Onge            Onge

Jarwa           Jarwa


year. Year of ethnography

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=59

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            1886.218

min             1570

max             1990

sd              49.487


ethref. Ethnographies used as source of forager data. The pinpointing date is in parentheses.

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=235; Number of unique values=197

First six non-missing records:

society         ethref

Punan           Kedit 1982 Harrison 1949 Avadhani 1975

Batek           Eder 1987 Cadelina 1982

Shompen         Rivzi 1990

Onge            Heine-Geldern Hoehn-Gerlachstein 1958 Sen 1962 Cooper 1991

Jarwa           Temple 1903 Radcliffe-Brown 1948

Semang          Schebesta 1954 Skeat & Blagden 1906 | Kuchikura 1988 (1880s)


eanumber. Ethnographic Atlas society number (manual coding)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=207; Number of unique values=207

Stat            Value

nobs            207

mean            464.343

min             1

max             1248

sd              236.76


eafolk. Ethnographic Atlas society name (manual coding)

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=212; Number of unique values=209

First six non-missing records:

society         eafolk

Punan           PUNAN . .

Kubu            KUBU. . .

Semang          SEMANG. .

Veddah          VEDDA . .

Chenchu         CHENCHU .

Birhor          HO. . . .


wnainumb. Western North American Indian ID number (manual coding)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=84; Number of unique values=84

Stat            Value

nobs            84

mean            68.643

min             2

max             155

sd              42.787


wnaisociety. Western North American Indian society name (manual coding)

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=84; Number of unique values=84

First six non-missing records:

society         wnaisociety

Cahuilla        Desert Cahuilla

Cupeno          Cupeno

Kiliwa          Kaliwa

Diegueno        Desert Diegueno

Lake Yokuts     Lake Yokuts

Serrano         Serrano


badlangiso. Flag: possibly inaccurate language classification and code

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value

327             0

12              1


wldsec. World sector

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value

20              Africa

28              asia

56              Aust.

214             NoAmer

21              SoAmer


secno. Detailed world sector (North America subdivided)

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=10

Freq            Value

28              a

21              b

20              c

56              d

47              f

44              g

19              h

31              i

51              j

22              k


wc.area. Culture area

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=10

Freq            Value

20              AFR

30              ARC

23              ASIA

56              AUS

42              BC NWC

1               ENA

32              NNA

20              SOAM

98              SW

17              WNA


wcont. Continent of society

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=124; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value

20              AFRICA

56              AUSTRALIA

16              EURASIA

12              INDIA

20              SA

215             NA


wlocation. Location of society

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=67

First six non-missing records:

society         wlocation

Punan           Indonesia

Batek           Philippines

Kubu            Indonesia

Shompen         Nicobar Islands

Onge            Andaman Islands

Jarwa           Andaman Islands


longitude. Longitude (decimal degrees)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=319

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            -44.976

min             -170.31

max             170.08

sd              105.943


latitude. Latitude (decimal degrees)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=324

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            26.228

min             -60

max             77.49

sd              32.393


et. Effective temperature; (Equation: 4.01); (Table: 4.01); (Binford 2001:58)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=282

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            14.617

min             8.64

max             25.51

sd              3.894


cmat. Mean annual temperature (degrees C); (Table: 4.01); (Binford 2001:58)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=320

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            11.97

min             -14.86

max             28.73

sd              10.532


mcm. Mean temperature of coldest month (degrees C); (Table: 4.01); (Binford 2001:59)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=314

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            2.6

min             -36.92

max             27.39

sd              15.558


mwm. Mean temperature of warmest month (degrees C); (Table: 4.01); (Binford 2001:59)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=276

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            21.335

min             4

max             39

sd              6.527


temp. Temperateness; (Equation: 4.02); (Binford 2001:59)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=319

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            51.724

min             19.02

max             85.43

sd              13.323


mtemp. Evenness in temperature across seasons; (Equation: 4.03); (Binford 2001:68)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=326

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            70.59

min             14.16

max             98.88

sd              19.429


crr. Annual rainfall (mm); (Table: 4.01); (Binford 2001:70)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=339

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            820.414

min             41.42

max             3649.84

sd              745.761


clim. Ordination of the Earth's climates by effective temperature; (Table: 4.02); (Binford 2001:70)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=7

Freq            Value               Description

19              1                   ET<10.00

96              2                   ET 10.00 to 12.49

90              3                   ET 12.50 to 14.55

52              4                   ET 14.56 to 16.61

20              5                   ET 16.62 to 18.15

44              6                   ET 18.16 to 22.57

18              7                   ET >=22.58


rhigh. Mean rainfall of wettest month (mm); (Table: 4.01); (Binford 2001:70)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=329

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            145.657

min             6.35

max             753.87

sd              129.381


rlow. Mean rainfall of driest month (mm); (Table: 4.01); (Binford 2001:70)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=245

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            17.746

min             0

max             255.65

sd              30.954


reven. Unevenness in rainfall across seasons; (Equation: 4.04); (Binford 2001:70)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=183

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            2.25

min             1.19

max             5.26

sd              0.672


sdtemp. Standard deviation of mean monthly temperature; (Binford 2001:70)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=293

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            6.826

min             0.25

max             18.4

sd              4.175


sdrain. Standard deviation of mean monthly rainfall; (Binford 2001:70)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=328

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            45.818

min             1.84

max             262.42

sd              44.042


rrcorr. Difference between month with greatest rainfall and that with highest temp. Using the warmest month as a reference point, the number of months (or parts thereof), positive or negative, that separate the wettest month from the warmest month; (Binford 2001:71)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=15

Freq            Value

6               -4

4               -3

17              -2

29              -1

2               -0.5

32              0.1

59              1

2               1.5

33              2

28              3

19              4

41              5

54              6

1               6.5

12              7


rrcorr2. Positive scale for rrcorr: add 4.5 to rrcorr; if any subsequent values are negative, they are added to 12; (Table: 4.01); (Binford 2001:71)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=58

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            6.86

min             0

max             13.34

sd              2.946


rrcorr3. Like rrcorr2, except that in environments with a 12-month growing season, the value is set to 4.5 ; (Binford 2001:71)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=15

Freq            Value

5               0.5

2               1.5

16              2.5

24              3.5

2               4

133             4.5

22              4.6

36              5.5

1               6

13              6.5

8               7.5

12              8.5

22              9.5

37              10.5

6               11.5


season. Season with greatest rainfall (derived from rrcorr2); (Binford 2001:71)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

27              1                   Spring

122             2                   Summer

82              3                   Fall

108             4                   Winter


mrain. Evenness in rainfall across seasons (higher values => more even); (Equation: 4.06); (Binford 2001:72)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=292

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            14.342

min             0

max             70.41

sd              15.935


medstab. Mediterranean climate indicator (higher values => more Mediterranean); (Equation: 4.05); (Binford 2001:72)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=139

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            2.551

min             0

max             35.88

sd              5.668


growc. Effective growing season (number of months in growing season); (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:73)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=13

Freq            Value

10              0

5               1

8               2

23              3

13              4

33              5

28              6

47              7

6               8

13              9

12              10

8               11

133             12


ae. Actual evapotranspiration; (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:74)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=339

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            505.964

min             87.06

max             1794.47

sd              368.571


watd. Water deficit; (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:75)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=314

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            331.502

min             0

max             1308.47

sd              291.211


snowac. Snow accumulation; (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:75)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=140

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            39.799

min             0

max             825.9

sd              91.028


watret. Quantity of water actually present in the soil; (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:75)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=303

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            60.928

min             0

max             373.93

sd              62.241


pet. Potential evapotranspiration; (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:75)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            837.338

min             118.49

max             1867.69

sd              411.601


ptoae. Potential evapotranspiration relative to actual evapotranspiration (low values have higher plant growth potential); (Equation: pet/(1+ae)); (Binford 2001:78)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=181

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            2.158

min             0.89

max             15.85

sd              1.586


hirx. Potential evapotranspiration relative to annual rainfall. Values less than 1 tend to be forested, greater than 1 arid, and around 1 savannas and steppes.; (Equation: pet/ccr); (Binford 2001:78)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=210

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            1.93

min             0.16

max             33.69

sd              2.444


ptowatd. Potential evapotranspiration relative to water deficit (high values imply high plant growth potential); (Equation: pet/(1+watd)); (Binford 2001:78)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=239

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            83.144

min             1.07

max             1794.49

sd              278.81


avwat. Moisture ordination of climates; (Table: 4.05); (Binford 2001:79)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=8

Freq            Value               Description

17              1                   PTOAE > 5.0

86              2                   2.25<PTOAE=5.0

66              3                   1.61<PTOAE=2.25

25              4                   1.41<PTOAE=1.61 and DEFPER > 50

18              5                   1.41<PTOAE=1.61 and DEFPER < 50

35              6                   PTOAE=1.41 and PTOWATD > 3.4 and PTOAE > 1.23

54              7                   PTOAE=1.41 and PTOWATD > 3.4 and 1.01<PTOAE=1.23

38              8                   PTOAE=1.41 and PTOWATD > 3.4 and PTOAE=1.01


nagp. Net above-ground productivity: new cell life added to a habitat as a result of photosynthesis and growth (g/sqm/yr); (Equation: 4.10); (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:79)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=339

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            856.814

min             36.32

max             5514.85

sd              1065.545


wltgrc. Number of months plants would wilt because of water deficit; (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:79)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=13

Freq            Value

112             0

39              1

22              2

40              3

43              4

20              5

25              6

8               7

12              8

10              9

5               10

2               11

1               12


defper. Percentage of growing season with a water deficit; (Equation: 4.08); (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:79)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=38

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            57.293

min             0

max             100

sd              31.818


watdgrc. Number of months during growing season in which water deficit occurs; (Binford 2001:79)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=13

Freq            Value

36              0

24              1

29              2

61              3

31              4

44              5

35              6

26              7

18              8

3               9

5               10

3               11

24              12


perwret. Percentage of growing season with water stored in soil; (Equation: 4.07); (Binford 2001:79)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=35

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            0.398

min             0

max             1

sd              0.31


perwltg. Percentage of growing season for which water available is below the wilting point for plants; (Equation: 4.09); (Binford 2001:79)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=34

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            0.318

min             0

max             1

sd              0.285


latgroup. Binary indicator of proximity to equator; (Binford 2001:79)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

173             1                   <= 40 degrees

166             2                   > 40 degrees


lnagp. Log 10 of nagp; (Binford 2001:79)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=157

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            2.663

min             1.56

max             3.74

sd              0.485


bio5. Primary biomass; (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:85)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=339

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            12331.983

min             27.48

max             59274.8

sd              13284.064


bar5. Biomass accumulation ratio; (Equation: 4.15); (Table: 4.07); (Binford 2001:85)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=325

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            17.882

min             0.56

max             72.09

sd              14.191


lbio5. Log 10 of bio5; (Binford 2001:85)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=174

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            3.77

min             1.44

max             4.77

sd              0.624


lexprey. (Log of) Secondary animal biomass; (Binford 2001:109)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=158

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            2.303

min             0.67

max             3.94

sd              0.54


subsp. Which food type (hunted, gathered, fished) provides majority of nutritional intake; (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

80              1                   Hunting

142             2                   Gathering

117             3                   Aquatics


hunting. Percent dependence on terrestrial animals; (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=48

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            33.119

min             0

max             90

sd              20.033


gatherin. Percent dependence on terrestrial plants; (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=39

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            34.525

min             0.01

max             90.3

sd              24.888


fishing. Percent dependence on aquatic organisms ; (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=60

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            32.391

min             0

max             95

sd              27.316


density. Population density (==tlpop/area); (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=302

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            24.586

min             0.25

max             308.7

sd              36.085


group1. Size of smallest group that regularly cooperates for subsistence; smallest self-sufficient group; (Table: 5.01 & 8.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=227; Number of unique values=78

Stat            Value

nobs            227

mean            17.525

min             5.6

max             70

sd              9.76


group2. the mean size of the consumer group that regularly camps together during the most aggregated phase of the yearly economic cycles; (Table: 5.01 & 8.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=297; Number of unique values=124

Stat            Value

nobs            297

mean            74.908

min             19.5

max             650

sd              85.42


group3. The mean size of multigroup encampments that may aggregate periodically, but not necessarily annually, for immediate subsistence-related activities; (Table: 5.01 & 8.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=216; Number of unique values=114

Stat            Value

nobs            216

mean            209.342

min             42

max             1500

sd              182.688


area. Ethnographers' estimate of total land area occupied by the group (100 sqkm); (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=295

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            388.75

min             0.8

max             6600

sd              832.748


tlpop. Total number of persons to whom the ethnographic description applies; (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=249

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            1697.854

min             23

max             14582

sd              2356.97


nomov. Total number of annual moves in residence of a household unit; (Table: 5.01 & 8.04); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=261; Number of unique values=39

Stat            Value

nobs            261

mean            9.695

min             0.1

max             58

sd              9.336


dismov. Total distance residence moved in a year (sum of all moves); (Table: 5.01 & 8.04); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=236; Number of unique values=110

Stat            Value

nobs            236

mean            171.661

min             4

max             570

sd              143.703


grppat. Degree of mobility; (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

235             1                   Unrestricted mobility

104             2                   Restricted mobility


kmov. Summed distance moved per year by average household (kmov=dismov/.6214); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=261; Number of unique values=111

Stat            Value

nobs            261

mean            250.374

min             0.02

max             917.13

sd              234.411


vegnu. Classification by vegetation type ; (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=24

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            15.327

min             1

max             27

sd              8.383


soil. Primary soil type characteristic of a group's range; (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=22

First six non-missing records:

society         soil

Punan           U

Batek           H

Kubu            U

Shompen         O

Onge            O

Jarwa           O


lden. Log 10 of density; (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=191

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            0.944

min             -0.6

max             2.49

sd              0.699


dspmov. Distance per move (dspmov=dismov/nomov); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=236; Number of unique values=147

Stat            Value

nobs            236

mean            16.275

min             2

max             45.545

sd              8.622


kspmov. Averge distance per move (kspmov=kmov/nomov); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=255; Number of unique values=143

Stat            Value

nobs            255

mean            24.614

min             0.16

max             73.28

sd              15.651


lkspmov. Log 10 of kspmov; (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=255; Number of unique values=85

Stat            Value

nobs            255

mean            1.243

min             -0.79

max             1.87

sd              0.442


lkmov. Log 10 of kmov; (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=261; Number of unique values=92

Stat            Value

nobs            261

mean            1.932

min             -1.79

max             2.96

sd              1.038


subpop. Subsistence beyond hunting, gathering, fishing; (Table: 5.01); (Binford 2001:117)

Class=character; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value

284             n

55              x


wsubpop. Subsistence beyond hunting, gathering, fishing; (Binford 2001:117)

Class=character; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value

284             HGF only

55              suspect


pop. Natural log of tlpop; (Binford 2001:117)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=248

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            6.729

min             3.135

max             9.588

sd              1.252


mhs. Mean household size ; (Table: 8.08); (Binford 2001:147)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=232; Number of unique values=184

Stat            Value

nobs            232

mean            8.299

min             2.5

max             40

sd              6.169


setting. Drainage type for land area; (Table: 6.01); (Binford 2001:168)

Class=character; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value

86              Coastal

21              Lake

53              Pan or internal drainage

179             Stream or river


dposit. Position in drainage system (distance from territory to headwaters of drainage system)/(length of drainage system) ; (Equation: headwat/drain); (Binford 2001:168)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=83

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            0.429

min             0.01

max             1

sd              0.366


sucstab2. Modified successional stability (a measure of likelihood of vegetation-clearing fires); (Binford 2001:171)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=229

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            10.909

min             0

max             78.71

sd              13.28 Male height in millimeters; (Table: 6.03); (Binford 2001:183)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=151; Number of unique values=96

Stat            Value

nobs            151

mean            1633.733

min             1440

max             1754

sd              63.819 Female height in millimeters; (Table: 6.03); (Binford 2001:183)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=113; Number of unique values=79

Stat            Value

nobs            113

mean            1525.145

min             1363

max             1640

sd              55.095 Male weight in kilograms; (Table: 6.03); (Binford 2001:183)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=40; Number of unique values=33

Stat            Value

nobs            40

mean            56.28

min             39.8

max             71

sd              8.837 Female weight in kilograms; (Table: 6.03); (Binford 2001:183)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=20; Number of unique values=16

Stat            Value

nobs            20

mean            45.893

min             34

max             64.3

sd              9.496


termh2. Number of persons per 100 sqkm who could be supported from ungulate resources alone; (Equation: 6.13); (Binford 2001:187)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=329

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            0.79

min             0.008

max             10.906

sd              1.163


termg2. Number of persons per 100 sqkm who could be supported from terrestrial plant foods alone; (Equation: 6.14); (Binford 2001:187)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=329; Number of unique values=324

Stat            Value

nobs            329

mean            1.082

min             0.001

max             6.112

sd              1.558


termd2. Population density (adjusted for body size) expected at a particular location (persons per 100 sqkm); (Equation: 6.15); (Binford 2001:187)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=337

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            1.84

min             0.008

max             14.854

sd              2.443


subspx.aj. Dominant food source predicted by Binford's Terrestrial Model; (Binford 2001:203)

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value

120             g

134             h

16              m

69              u


polyscal. Measure of scale for the demographic and spatial scope of political organization.; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:252)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

56              1                   Performance based leadership

168             2                   Senior males provide an advisory type of leadership

102             3                   Formal or informal council of advisors with recognized leader

13              4                   Instituted leader who presides over a council of near "peers"


mdivlab. Percentage of total diet derived from male labor; (Binford 2001:280)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=333; Number of unique values=105

Stat            Value

nobs            333

mean            60.994

min             21.25

max             99.99

sd              17.249


agem. Average age of males at the time of their first marriage.; (Table: 8.07); (Binford 2001:281)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=179; Number of unique values=26

Stat            Value

nobs            179

mean            20.82

min             12

max             35

sd              4.663


agef. Average age of females at the time of their first marriage.; (Table: 8.07); (Binford 2001:281)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=205; Number of unique values=26

Stat            Value

nobs            205

mean            14.289

min             5

max             25

sd              2.577


agedif. The difference between mean age at first marriage of husbands and wives. ; (Binford 2001:299)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=177; Number of unique values=30

Stat            Value

nobs            177

mean            6.503

min             -1.5

max             26

sd              5.051


famsz. Mean family size (total group size divided by number of married men); (Table: 8.08); (Binford 2001:286)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=136; Number of unique values=102

Stat            Value

nobs            136

mean            4.591

min             3

max             8

sd              1.094


hhtype. Household type; (Table: 8.08); (Binford 2001: 297)

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=116; Number of unique values=27

First six non-missing records:

society         hhtype

Punan           (Fn)

Batek           (Fn)

Kubu            (Murdock Res)

Shompen         (N)

Onge            (M)

Jarwa           M


forcol. Code for forager-collector distinction; (Binford 2001:304)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

191             1                   forager

1               1.5                 mixed

147             2                   collector


class. Type of social class distinction; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

224             1                   Absence

87              2                   Wealth distinctions only

28              3                   Dual stratification into a hereditary aristocracy and a class of ordinary people


money. Codes the presence or absence of the use of money within the society; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

246             1                   Absent

32              2                   Rarely used

25              3                   Commonly used

36              4                   Many convertible items


occspe. Occupational specialties reported which are not tied to the sexual division of labor or tendencies for role differences.; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

260             1                   Absent

39              2                   Few (1-3)

28              3                   Moderate (4-7)

12              4                   Many (equal to or greater than 8)


commun. Community organization. The prevalence of local endogamy, agamy, & exogamy coded together with the presence or absence of localized kin groups. Can be interpreted as ordinal measure of endogamy; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=335; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

76              1                   Exogamous

122             2                   Exogamous clan

47              3                   Agamous

37              4                   Endogamous Demed

53              5                   Endogamous segmented

4               NA                  NA


comstfun. The functions and properties of structures with specific community-wide functions. These are not residences, nor are they multifunctional residences.; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=7

Freq            Value               Description

237             1                   No permanent community structures

36              2                   Rituals and ceremmonies held in host's residence

21              3                   Sweat lodge

24              4                   Dance house

13              5                   Dance house or men's house, and sweat house

7               6                   Functionally specific community house

1               7                   Complex of community structures present


famhous. Average number of families per household (==mhs/famsz); (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=112; Number of unique values=87

Stat            Value

nobs            112

mean            1.837

min             0

max             9.01

sd              1.539


g2mhs. Number of households per group2 (==group2/mhs); (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=218; Number of unique values=192

Stat            Value

nobs            218

mean            10.437

min             0.81

max             58.63

sd              9.607


prevalue. Variable is in Table 9.01. Unknown meaning.; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=218; Number of unique values=148

Stat            Value

nobs            218

mean            8.306

min             3.638

max             40.334

sd              4.82


mhsset. Classification by values of mhs and hougrp2. Initial version. (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=219; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value

6               1

85              2

24              3

41              4

63              5

120             NA


mhset2. Mean Household Size Set: the classification of the relationship between mhs and hougrp2; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=218; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value

64              1

8               2

86              3

21              4

39              5

121             NA


predg2mh. Unknown meaning.; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=211; Number of unique values=141

Stat            Value

nobs            211

mean            7.613

min             3.64

max             40.64

sd              4.808


g2famsz. Number of families per group2 (==group2/famsz); (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:320)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=120; Number of unique values=114

Stat            Value

nobs            120

mean            12.403

min             3.14

max             52.8

sd              8.886


polyg. Presence of polygyny, with some additional values added to those found in table; (Table: 8.07); (Binford 2001:281)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=211; Number of unique values=52

Stat            Value

nobs            211

mean            13.872

min             0.1

max             57

sd              12.339


polygrecod. Presence of polygyny (polyg) recoded by Doug White to distinguish monogamy from missing values; (Table: 8.07); (Binford 2001:281)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=221; Number of unique values=53

Stat            Value

nobs            221

mean            13.231

min             0

max             57

sd              12.41


wx.polygny. Presence of polygyny, as-is from table; (Table: 8.07); (Binford 2001:281)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=191; Number of unique values=57

Stat            Value

nobs            191

mean            13.687

min             0

max             57

sd              13.03


g1famsz. Number of families per group1 (==group1/famsz); (Equation: group1/famsz); (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:333)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=110; Number of unique values=100

Stat            Value

nobs            110

mean            3.794

min             1.23

max             8.21

sd              1.493


g1mhs. Number of households per group1 (==group1/mhs); (Equation: group1/mhs); (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:333)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=174; Number of unique values=146

Stat            Value

nobs            174

mean            2.981

min             0.27

max             9.55

sd              1.753


g2g1. Number of group1 units in a group2 unit; (Equation: group2/group1); (Binford 2001:336)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=217; Number of unique values=136

Stat            Value

nobs            217

mean            3.366

min             1.36

max             22.07

sd              1.969


g2mhset2. Classification based on relationship between mhs and group2; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:337)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=219; Number of unique values=8

Freq            Value               Description

42              1                   mhs is extended family, group2<50

34              2                   mhs variable but large, group2<=50

22              3                   mhs varies positively with group2, with large communal houses and small group2

52              4                   mhs varies linearly with group2, with both extended families and communal houses

33              5                   mhs is extended family, group2 is variable

29              6                   mhs slightly above 7, group2 much more variable

6               7                   mhs is small, group2 large and variable

1               9                   missing

120             NA                  NA


perogat. The social and economic prerogatives which accompany the leadership role.; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:338)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=337; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

187             1                   No special prerogatives

60              2                   No relief from subsistence,but messengers as assistants

45              3                   No relief from subsistence, but minor dress prerogatives,and messengers and speaker as assistants

34              4                   Some relief from subsistence (contributions of goods and labor), dress prerogatives, assistants, and role for leaders wife

11              5                   Complete relief from subsistence, distinctive clothing, many assistants, special marriage rules

2               NA                  NA


g2mhset3. Simplified version of g2mhset2; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:340)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=217; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

90              1                   group2 small

54              2                   mhs varies linearly with group 2

65              3                   mhs small, group 2 variable

8               4                   other

122             NA                  NA


polpos. Code refers to the political and economic position of the group relative to other groups in the region; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:345)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

244             1                   Mutualistic or patron-client relationship with people who live very different type of lives

35              2                   Articulated with groups unlike themselves, but this appears to be done in self-interested way

60              3                   Articulated to politically and socially more complex groups


g2basord. Basal unit size for group2 --ordinal classification; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:348)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=291; Number of unique values=13

Freq            Value

12              2

47              3

60              4

48              5

44              6

1               6.2

21              7

19              8

10              9

10              10

8               11

6               12

5               13

48              NA


nicheffg. Ratio of niche effectiveness (density compared to predicted) in exploitation of terrestrial plant resources; (Equation: 10.02); (Binford 2001:373)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=290

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            46.069

min             0

max             3876.18

sd              243.413


nicheffh. Ratio of niche effectiveness (density compared to predicted) in exploitation of terrestrial animal resources; (Equation: 10.03); (Binford 2001:373)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=311

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            16.616

min             0

max             548.65

sd              37.558


nicheff. Ratio of niche effectiveness (density compared to predicted); (Equation: 10.01); (Binford 2001:373)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=339

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            39.174

min             0.144

max             459.524

sd              69.356


packinx. Density rescaled to fit population packing concept: packinx=density/9.098; (Binford 2001:374)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=227

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            2.703

min             0.03

max             33.93

sd              3.966


lpackinx. Log 10 of packinx; (Binford 2001:375)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=191

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            -0.015

min             -1.56

max             1.53

sd              0.699


packord. Ordinal measure for packing. The packing threshold is the value of population density at which there is one minimal group per foraging radius (20.47 persons/225 sq km = 9.1 persons), thus indicating a density value at which there is no longer unoccupied space into which mobile hunter-gatherers could move; (Binford 2001:375)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value

23              1

137             2

132             3

47              4


packing. Binary variable for population packing

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

161             1                   unpacked

178             2                   packed


systate3recod. Recode of systate3; (Binford 2001:375)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=7

Freq            Value

20              2

28              3

134             4

21              5

81              6

28              7

27              8


systate3. Classification of foragers: system's state; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:375)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=338; Number of unique values=7

Freq            Value               Description

28              1                   mounted hunters

19              2                   horticulturally augmented cases

26              3                   mutualists and forest products specialists

135             4                   generic hunter-gatherers

25              5                   generic hunter-gatherers with instituted leadership

79              6                   wealth-differentiated hunter-gatherers

26              7                   stratified or characterized by elite and priviliged leaders

1               NA                  NA


leader. Predominant type of leadership; (Binford 2001:388)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

174             1                   leadership embedded in roles of older persons, based on knowledge and good advice

165             2                   leaders are visible, recognized by all, have followers, and judged on performance


store. Dependence upon storage; (Binford 2001:388)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=337; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

110             1                   Not present

10              2                   Special event storage only

217             3                   Stored for use during seasonal and/or other low productivity phases of year

2               NA                  NA


subsp.1. Primary source of food (character version of subsp); (Binford 2001:388)

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value

117             Aquatics

142             Gathering

80              Hunting


qtstor. Quantity of food stored ; (Binford 2001:389)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=337; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

113             1                   Minor

32              2                   Moderate

153             3                   Major

39              4                   Massive

2               NA                  NA


subdiv2. Subsistence diversity; (Equation: 100-stddev("hunting","gatherin","fishing") ); (Binford 2001:403,fn2)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=92

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            72.343

min             46.55

max             94.23

sd              10.78


sudivord. Ordinal simplification (5 categories) of subdiv2.; (Binford 2001:404)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

11              1                   46.55 <=subdiv2<= 50.68

37              2                   50.76 <=subdiv2<= 60.05

118             3                   61.81 <=subdiv2<= 72.21

108             4                   72.46 <=subdiv2<= 82.44

65              5                   83.2 <=subdiv2<= 94.23


huntfil2. Identifies mounted hunters. A binary variable produced from systate3; (Binford 2001:417)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

311             1                   all others

28              2                   mounted hunters


owners. Ownership of resource locations ; (Table: 9.01); (Binford 2001:426)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

166             1                   None reported

63              2                   Local groups claims exclusive rights over resource locations, residential sites and home range

81              3                   Local group claims hunting areas, dominant animals, fishing sites and animal drive locations

29              4                   Elite ownership of land and resources


intcon. Frequency of internal conflict.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=327; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

65              1                   Frequent

195             2                   Moderate

67              3                   Rare to absent

12              NA                  NA


intres. The means culturally available for resolving conflict and/or deducing punishments, if any, within GP2.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=324; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

145             1                   No institutionalized method

98              2                   Ad hoc adjudicational body

39              3                   Negotiated solutions

42              4                   Publicly witnessed and conventional ways of resolving issues

15              NA                  NA


gpgpcon. Scale of inter-group violence which is conducted with groups beyond the definition of GP2 and/or GP3

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=333; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

73              1                   None reported

132             2                   Revenge raiding

101             3                   Accelerative raiding

27              4                   Accelerative conflicts of annihilation

6               NA                  NA


gpgpres. The means available for resolving conflicts between groups as coded in GPGPCON.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=337; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

142             1                   No public method for punishment

113             2                   Peace is negotiated for each conflict

34              3                   Negotiations normally result in payment

48              4                   Negotiated settlements normally involve public duels

2               NA                  NA


war1. Scale of intensity of warfare. How frequent and how widespread it may be regionally.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

169             1                   No organized competition

91              2                   Conflict is continually present on an on-again/off-again basis

61              3                   Conflict is more common than in (2) and there are unprovoked attacks on intruders

11              4                   Conflict is common in the region, but it may flare up to major proportions periodically

7               5                   All properties of (4) and conflict is sustained and results in long term expansion of groups


conpos. The posture of the particular group relative to the intensity of warfare within the region as coded in WAR.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=336; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

125             1                   Generally defensive through avoidance rather than active defense

157             2                   Tit-for-tat

54              3                   Generally aggressive

3               NA                  NA


enemy. The treatment of the bodies of those killed in group-group conflicts.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=315; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

177             1                   No post-mortem mutilation

63              2                   Minor trophies taken

52              3                   Substantially mutilated and body parts may be eaten

23              4                   Trophies taken

24              NA                  NA


prison. Codes the treatment of prisoners upon return to the "home" group

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=316; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

181             1                   No prisoners

63              2                   Prisoners taken, generally women and children

72              3                   Prisoners regularly taken

23              NA                  NA


slave. Status of slaves in the society.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

278             1                   No slaves

32              2                   Debt slaves or other non-hereditary slaves

29              3                   Hereditary slavery


warlead. Manner of choosing a leader in group-group conflict situations.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=331; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

14              1                   No such role

252             2                   Result of individual commitment

65              3                   Confirmed by a council

8               NA                  NA


deadav. The presence/absence of taboos against speaking the name of the deceased after death.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=299; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

156             1                   No taboo

60              2                   Short duration taboo

83              3                   Permanent taboo

40              NA                  NA


death. Codes the response to death as regards housing and the use of the camp

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=295; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

143             1                   Camp and house abandoned

57              2                   House destroyed but camp maintained

95              3                   Camp and house maintained

44              NA                  NA


discomp. The disposal event sequence regarding only the treatment of the corpse.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=292; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

222             1                   Single step disposal

62              2                   Two step disposal

7               3                   Three step disposal

1               4                   Four step disposal

47              NA                  NA


discomp2. The number of major steps relating to the disposal of the corpse

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=303; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

231             1                   Single step disposal

72              2                   Multi step disposal

36              NA                  NA


disloc. Codes the location of the final step in the disposal sequence.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=296; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

168             1                   Location unique to individual

43              2                   Conventionally used "family" location

85              3                   conventional area used by supra-family units

43              NA                  NA


bodyt. The state of the skeletal remains on final disposal.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=311; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

256             1                   Complete body

28              2                   Disarticulated skeleton

27              3                   Dismembered body parts

28              NA                  NA


dispc. This code has reference to the mode of disposal for all persons or persons in the prime of life only. There may be alternative modes of disposal for the very young, aged, or for special conditions of death. This has primary reference to the situation of the decay of the body or the use of soft parts

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=318; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value               Description

162             1                   Exposure of the body on the surface

43              2                   Burial in the ground

50              3                   Cremation of the body

6               4                   Platform or tree disposal

14              5                   Body decays or is destroyed in a constructed facility

43              6                   Body is dismembered, eviscerated or artificially dried and flayed

21              NA                  NA


disdiff. Differences in body disposal modes across persons

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=323; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

99              1                   Single disposal mode

129             2                   Situation and cause of death

46              3                   Maturational status

49              4                   Social status

16              NA                  NA


dritual. The sequential complexity of mortuary rituals regularly performed after a death.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=293; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

53              1                   No ritual

131             2                   Single formal or ritualized socially organized event

109             3                   Multiple ritual events which are socially organized

46              NA                  NA


ritscal. The scale of non-immediate family involvement in the mortuary rituals.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=298; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

30              1                   Immediate family

147             2                   Residential community

90              3                   Local group and maybe non-local kin

31              4                   Regional scale of attendance or components of a large community

41              NA                  NA


ritfocus. The goals of the mortuary ritual or its ideological tone.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=258; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

165             1                   Dead person

37              2                   Purification of the living

56              3                   Honoring the contributions of the living to the ritual event

81              NA                  NA


caudeath. The emic beliefs regarding the causes of death insofar as they are related to aspects of mortuary behavior. Can be interpreted as ordinal measure of the degree to which death is considered emically "unnatural".

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=294; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

93              1                   Death is natural

75              2                   Cause of death is not something to respond to

83              3                   Unnatural for persons in the prime of life to die

43              4                   Considered unnatural to die

45              NA                  NA


divmor. Role and importance of divination in mortuary ritual.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=288; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

228             1                   Divination is not part of mortuary ritual

31              2                   Divination may be performed but not "built in"

29              3                   Divination is essential part

51              NA                  NA


usebody. The use of body parts from the deceased during the mortuary rituals.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=299; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

233             1                   No use of body parts

25              2                   Small bones

11              3                   Slaves or "contributed" persons may be killed

10              4                   Corpse and/or parts thereof eaten

20              5                   Removed and used in divination

40              NA                  NA


gcont. The treatment of the durable goods which were brought for the use during the mortuary rituals. Contributed goods are not the goods of the deceased.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=299; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

230             1                   None reported

27              2                   All contributed goods destroyed

42              3                   All contributed goods distributed to participants

40              NA                  NA


gdist. The treatment of the majority of the durable items which could be considered as associated with or "owned" by the deceased.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=293; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

245             1                   Abandoned and/or destroyed

48              2                   Distributed

46              NA                  NA


gfur. The placement of personalities with the corpse in its final resting place.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=291; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

22              1                   No personalities

63              2                   Single or minimal numbers of items

206             3                   Both personalities and sometimes contributed goods

48              NA                  NA


revres. The organization of revenge activity which is generally conducted during the mourning period of the mortuary rites.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=251; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

196             1                   No sorcery-related revenge activity

33              2                   Revenge is discussed but generally non-violent resolution

22              3                   Family, sodality or community organize revenge killing or controlled combat

88              NA                  NA


intform. Form of integration.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

221             1                   Cellular segmentation

118             2                   Cross-cutting network


headm. The patterns of succession of acknowledged leaders in the maximal politically integrated unit represented by the case.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

64              1                   Absence

169             2                   Non-hereditary succession to an acknowledged leadership role

106             3                   Non-hereditary succession through influence


shaman. Codes the presence and scale of shaman's rituals as a social and organized event beyond their functioning as curers, healers, etc. at the personal or family level. This also excludes rituals conducted only for shamans that may qualify as secret societies

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=313; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

120             1                   Role is not restricted

122             2                   Rare

49              3                   All leaders are shaman

22              4                   Shaman are politically powerful in their own right

26              NA                  NA


indtrd. The organization of individual to individual trade in manufactured goods or raw materials across local group boundaries.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=317; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value               Description

68              1                   Absent

147             2                   Patron-client relationships or market trading

24              3                   Embedded in other activities

52              4                   Individually arranged

17              5                   Conventionally organized

9               6                   Family initiated

22              NA                  NA


indtfo. The presence and form of exchanges where FOOD is one of the materials involved in exchanges across local group boundaries.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=287; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

119             1                   Absent

130             2                   Initiated by person seeking to trade with goods and/or money

17              3                   Ritualized balanced direct exchange

21              4                   Ritualized delayed balanced exchange

52              NA                  NA


grptrd. The way of organizing group to group trade and exchange within a regio

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=296; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

21              1                   Does not occur as such

242             2                   Trade and exchange embedded in other activities and relationships exclusively

18              3                   Organized trade fairs or special trade events

12              4                   Specialized regional traders utilized as group representatives to other groups

3               5                   Group acts as regional focus of trade, others regularly come to exchange for surplus food (commonly available)

43              NA                  NA


orgfair. Manner of organization of trade fairs or special trade events in which food is the primary commodity that is desired in exchange.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=311; Number of unique values=7

Freq            Value               Description

217             1                   Absent

11              2                   Initiated by persons seeking to trade with goods or money to obtain food

2               3                   Ritualized balanced direct exchange

45              4                   Ritualized delayed balanced exchange

8               5                   2 & 3

20              6                   2 & 4

8               7                   All forms

28              NA                  NA


excorg. The characteristic exchange relationships between host unit and guest unit in intercommunity events when goods are supplied to guests, the group tabulated is the host and it is an event where exchange is a conventionally included part of the activities.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=291; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value               Description

97              1                   Absent

63              2                   Host supplies guests with items and guests reply with items

73              3                   Exchange is food for food

26              4                   Host supplies food, guests supply goods

20              5                   Delayed reciprocity

12              6                   Corporate or local group supported give-away events

48              NA                  NA


spacing. A normative estimate of the distance between houses in the settlement.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=163; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

84              1                   Tight spacing (2-8 m)

49              2                   Moderate Spacing (9-20 m)

30              3                   Wide spacing (21-80 m)

176             NA                  NA


housex. The sexual division of labor in the construction of houses. Does not address the procurement of materials, only construction of the highest investment houses.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

88              1                   Females alone

50              2                   Both sexes, but females more

59              3                   Equal participation

32              4                   Both sexes, but males more

110             5                   Males alone


kincon. The basic convention for identifying kin for an unmarried child.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

317             1                   Both from mother and father

22              2                   Either from mother or father but not both


kinstr. The basic structure as used of the kinship conventions.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

139             1                   Ramifying structure

96              2                   Balanced dimensional structure

79              3                   Imbalanced dimensional structure

21              4                   Truncated structure

4               5                   Ambilateral structure


kinbia1. Records the bias in the kinship structure as regards the side which is extended more or keyed upon cognitively for discussing exogamy

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

223             1                   No bias

78              2                   Patrifilial bias

38              3                   Matrifilial bias


augment. Codes the ways of augmenting the kinspersons of an individual that are not done through birth or marriage

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=285; Number of unique values=9

Freq            Value               Description

182             1                   Absent

10              2                   Sexual intercourse

17              3                   Adoption

20              4                   Name relationship

18              5                   Cognitive elaboration of birth

10              6                   Special friend partnership

3               7                   Initiation cohort

10              8                   Augmentation by 2 of above means

15              9                   Augmentation by 3 or more of above means

54              NA                  NA


augmen2. The number of strategies used to augment kinship [in HGKIN printouts from 9/25/94 with LRB handwritten notes re recoding]

Class=numeric; Type=unknown; Number non-missing=333; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

206             1                   no augmentation strategies

95              2                   1-2 augmentation strategies

32              3                   2 or more augmentation strategies

6               NA                  NA


kinscale. Unknown meaning.

Class=numeric; Type=unknown; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=10

Freq            Value

46              0

124             1

12              2

5               3

19              4

18              5

57              6

32              7

13              8

13              10


sodal. Sodalities: collapsed version of adjun [in HGKIN printouts from 9/25/94 with LRB handwritten notes re recoding]

Class=numeric; Type=unknown; Number non-missing=328; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value               Description

203             1                   Absent

17              2                   Higher order sodalities

27              3                   Moieties

49              4                   Phratries

22              5                   Achieved Associations

10              6                   Ranked

11              NA                  NA


kinder. Kinship derived units are classes of kinspersons that are identifiable as higher order classes which are consistent with the cognitive conventions of the kinship system

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

179             1                   Absent

149             2                   Kindreds or sibs

11              3                   Clans or desent-sets


kinbia2. Codes the bias in the (KINDER) variable as regards the filiation of persons in kindreds, sibs, clans, etc

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

178             1                   Bias absent

123             2                   Patrifilial bias

38              3                   Matrifilial bias


elabor. Codes for cognitive elaborations or more general classes which are derivable from the underlying system of kin cognition. Most of the time these elaborations serve no organizational function beyond providing rules of thumb for discussing exogamy and using these general categories for placing "strangers" into the web of kinship of the speaker. The coding of cases here implies no additional functions for these units beyond those discussed here.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=322; Number of unique values=9

Freq            Value               Description

259             1                   Absent

6               2                   Unnamed two section system

17              3                   Phratri-moieties

12              4                   Matri-moieties

5               5                   Patri-phratries

4               6                   Matri-phratries

1               7                   Patri-phratries and moieties

12              8                   Four section system

6               11                  Eight sections

17              NA                  NA


elabor2. The situation where elaborations are given social functions beyond those listed above such that they imply more than marriage arrangements, etc. [in HGKIN printouts from 9/25/94 with LRB handwritten notes re recoding]

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=321; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

264             1                   Absent

3               2                   Land biased sibs-kindred like units

7               3                   Exogamy only

47              4                   Reciprocal ritual functions in mortuary rites

18              NA                  NA


elabor3. Revised version of elabor2 [in HGKIN printouts from 9/25/94 with LRB handwritten notes re recoding]

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=321; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

259             1                   Absent [=1]

41              2                   Moieties [=3,4,8,9,10]

9               3                   Phratries [=5,6,7]

12              4                   Sections  [= 2,11]

18              NA                  NA


elabor4. Revised version of elabor3 [in HGKIN printouts from 9/25/94 with LRB handwritten notes re recoding]

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=321; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

259             1                   Absent

43              2                   One form

19              3                   Multiple forms

18              NA                  NA


diffocus. Codes the domain within which the elaborations and adjunct differentiations primarily function. Whether they contribute primarily to the internal complexity of the system or whether they provide the organizational basis for relating to and interacting in an expansive manner with adjacent groups is the focus of this code

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=323; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

205             1                   None

80              2                   Present, primarily integrate and differentiate internal organization

23              3                   Present, integrate and differentiate internal organization and articulation with outside groups

15              4                   Present, play little role in internal organization but directly facilitate articulation with other groups

16              NA                  NA


adjun. Codes the presence of organizational features which are discussed cognitively in kinship terms or refer to behaviors normally conventionalized by kinship but which are not derivable from the underlying properties of the kinship cognition itself

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=325; Number of unique values=11

Freq            Value               Description

250             1                   Absent

27              2                   Moieties

10              3                   Affinal phratries

11              4                   Secondary units

5               5                   Moieties unrelated to exogamy

1               6                   Both 3 and 5

3               7                   Honor societies

8               8                   Crests

1               9                   Moieties like male and female exchange feasts

7               10                  Social associations

2               11                  Clans or sections

14              NA                  NA


adjun2. Number of forms of adjunct kin [in HGKIN printouts from 9/25/94 with LRB handwritten notes re recoding]

Class=numeric; Type=unknown; Number non-missing=336; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

256             1                   Absent

33              2                   Moieties

14              3                   Phratries

33              4                   Other

3               NA                  NA


adjun3. Types of adjunct kin strategy [in HGKIN printouts from 9/25/94 with LRB handwritten notes re recoding]

Class=numeric; Type=unknown; Number non-missing=324; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

249             1                   Absent

74              2                   One form

1               3                   Multiple forms

15              NA                  NA


adjun4. Collapse of adjun [in HGKIN printouts from 9/25/94 with LRB handwritten notes re recoding]

Class=numeric; Type=unknown; Number non-missing=334; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value               Description

255             1                   Absent

29              2                   Moieties

22              3                   Phratries

10              4                   Ascribed Kin Units

10              5                   Units of none

8               6                   Ranked

5               NA                  NA


kinexo. Codes the limitation of kin extension characteristic of the society. The code scales the lateral extension of the exogamic practice in the group

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

69              1                   Marriages regularly with distant second cousins or persons related more distantly than third cousins

111             2                   Marriages not permitted with second cousins, but with those more distant

95              3                   Marriages forbidden with first cousins but second cousins may marry

64              4                   Marriages forbidden with some first cousins but not other first cousins


dkinex. The situation where there are marked differences in the exogamic practices of the leaders and/or elite and the general population in the patterns of exogamic extension or restriction.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

267             1                   Absence

12              2                   Restricted dual scales of exogamy

60              3                   Expanded dual scales of exogamy


nenept. The kinship terminology for parallel nephews and nieces.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

75              1                   Equated to offspring by sex

104             2                   Equated in part to offspring

160             3                   Not equated to offspring


nenext. The kinship terminology for cross nephews and nieces when they are distinguished from parallel nephews and nieces.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=338; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

73              1                   Cross nephew, cross niece

85              2                   Cross nephew-niece

53              3                   Male cross nephew-niece, female cross nephew-niece

127             4                   Other

1               NA                  NA


kinterm2. The type of terminology used for first cousins.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=314; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

30              1                   Hawaiian cousin terms

123             2                   Eskimo cousin terms

126             3                   Iroquois cousin terms

35              4                   Intergenerationally merging terminology

25              NA                  NA


aunt. Kin terminology employed for aunts.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=313; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

59              1                   Lineal terms

8               2                   Generation terms

87              3                   Bifurcate merging

159             4                   Bifurcate collateral

26              NA                  NA


gpaterm. Kin terms for grandparents.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=252; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

23              1                   Separate terms for FaFa, FaMo, MoFa, MoMo

116             2                   FaPa, MoFa, MoMo

6               3                   Grandfather, FaMo, MoMo

102             4                   FaPa, MoPa, or grandfather, grandmother

5               5                   Grandparent

87              NA                  NA


ggpater. Kin terms for great grandparents.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=322; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

143             1                   Equated to grandparents

146             2                   Denoted by 1 or 2 special terms

30              3                   Uses sibling terms

3               4                   Equated to parents

17              NA                  NA


agecom. The average difference between males and females at the time of initial marriage of each (i.e., this is not the age difference between the marriage partners).

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=332; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

205             1                   < 5 years

78              2                   5-10 years

40              3                   10-15 years

9               4                   >15 years

7               NA                  NA


res1. This code has reference to the immediately post-marital residence of the married couple

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=334; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

42              1                   Ambilocal

123             2                   Ambilocal, but with uxorilocal bias

27              3                   Uxorilocal residence

88              4                   Ambilocal, but with virilocal bias

54              5                   Virilocal residence

5               NA                  NA


fres1. The residential association of the married couple after birth of children when they are an established family.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=310; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

57              1                   Ambilocal

47              2                   Uxorilocal

206             3                   Virilocal

29              NA                  NA


fres2. The residential association of the married couple after the birth of their first child when they are established as a family. This complements the initial residence code.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=310; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

57              1                   Ambilocal

5               2                   Ambilocal, but with uxorilocal bias

65              3                   Uxorilocal

42              4                   Ambilocal, but with virilocal bias

141             5                   Virilocal

29              NA                  NA


levira. The presence or absence of the passing of wives of a deceased male to close male relatives of the deceased. Binary variable.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=275; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

51              1                   Absent

224             2                   Present

64              NA                  NA


sorora. The presence or absence of simultaneous sororal polygyny. Binary variable.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=262; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

73              1                   Absent

189             2                   Present

77              NA                  NA


minlaw. The presence or absence of behavioral mother-in-law avoidance and other restrictions on behavior. Binary variable.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=332; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value               Description

161             1                   Absent

171             2                   Present

7               NA                  NA


kinmar. The form of the exogamic practices/ preferences.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=330; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

154             1                   Nonlateral marriage

83              2                   Second cousing or greater lateral marriage

38              3                   Asymmetrical lateral marriage

55              4                   Symmetrical lateral marriage

9               NA                  NA


marsel. The manner in which marriages are negotiated and arranged within the society.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=334; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

65              1                   Child betrothal

76              2                   Courting is common

88              3                   Parental support required or arranged marriages

105             4                   Strictly arranged

5               NA                  NA


marrycer. The scale of investment in marriage ceremonies both in terms of the scale of participation and the goods and labor involved.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=334; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

192             1                   No real ceremony

96              2                   Minimal performance ceremony

33              3                   Extended series of ritualized events

13              4                   Broad public presence and participation in marriage ceremony

5               NA                  NA


polygn. Codes on an ordinal scale an estimate of the percentage of males married multiple wives

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=325; Number of unique values=7

Freq            Value               Description

14              1                   Absent

127             2                   Between 1-6%

67              3                   Between 7-12%

45              4                   Between 13-18%

49              5                   Between 19-30%

12              6                   Between 31-42%

11              7                   Greater than 42%

14              NA                  NA


mardir. This code scales the relative balance of the flow of goods and services in marriage arrangements. This code does not scale the absolute quantity of goods and services, only the relative imbalance in terms of the standards of the community itself.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=323; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

161             1                   Balanced exchange

38              2                   Minor imbalance in favor of the bride's family

121             3                   Moderate imbalance in favor of the bride's family

3               4                   Major imbalance in favor of bride's family

16              NA                  NA


marprop. The investments in property exchanges made by the kinsmen of the prospective bride and groom.?

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=322; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

173             1                   No property of real goods investment

25              2                   Minimal property or real goods investment

117             3                   Moderate amount of goods and property

7               4                   Large quantities of goods and property

17              NA                  NA


marinv. The types of investment made in marriages.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=322; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

108             1                   No labor or property

65              2                   Labor

149             3                   Property

17              NA                  NA


divorce. Codes the difficulty of obtaining a sanctioned divorce within the society.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

86              1                   Not permitted or very difficult

72              2                   Publically adjudicated

181             3                   Easy to obtain


boyseg38. Codes the segregation of adolescent boys prior to initiation or at the time of puberty

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=317; Number of unique values=3

Freq            Value               Description

193             1                   Absence of segregation

59              2                   Partial segregation

65              3                   Total segregation

22              NA                  NA


initm. Scale and elaborateness of male puberty rituals.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=317; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

152             1                   None

67              2                   Minor ritual acknowledgement

47              3                   Single step initiations

36              4                   Multi-step series of graded maturational initiations

15              6                   Differentiated and multiple initiation possibilites for young men

22              NA                  NA


initexm. The degree of exclusiveness of the male centered rituals. (Do women observe or participate?)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=300; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

154             1                   Not germane

57              2                   Both males and females may observe and participate in the ritual

13              3                   Females may observe some rites but do not participate

31              4                   Females may perform important roles in the initiation event

45              5                   Females excluded from all aspects of initiation rites

39              NA                  NA


initf. The scale and social investments in female puberty rites.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=313; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

62              1                   None

67              2                   Simple maturational recognition only

119             3                   Seclusion, taboos and constraints on socializing

64              4                   Local group or kin-sodality sponsored event with celebration

1               5                   Family sponsored inviting-in feast

26              NA                  NA


dom1. The collapsed classes of rituals as outlined in sections a-f above for the dominant ritual.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=312; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value               Description

40              1                   Secular rituals (1-2)

18              2                   Maturational history rituals (3-6)

83              3                   Rituals with focus on the individual (7)

120             4                   Announcement of social status (8-13)

22              5                   Focused on group (14-17)

29              6                   Relationship between people and forces of nature/supernatural (18-24)

27              NA                  NA


dom2. The collapsed classes of rituals as outlined in sections a-f above for the second-most dominant ritual.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=302; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value               Description

21              1                   Secular rituals (1-2)

5               2                   Maturational history rituals (3-6)

90              3                   Rituals with focus on the individual (7)

137             4                   Announcement of social status (8-13)

36              5                   Focused on group (14-17)

13              6                   Relationship between people and forces of nature/supernatural (18-24)

37              NA                  NA


hunt. Degree to which males conduct hunting, relative to females.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value

6               0

1               2

1               3

69              4

261             5

1               6


gath. Degree to which males conduct gathering, relative to females.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value

6               0

158             1

152             2

9               3

3               4

11              6


fish. Degree to which males conduct fishing, relative to females.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=7

Freq            Value

6               0

8               1

15              2

108             3

124             4

30              5

48              6


house80. House shape: Codes the shape of the ground plan of the most common type of shelter.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

10              1                   Semicircular

206             2                   Circular

18              3                   Elliptical or elongated with rounded ends

104             4                   Rectangular or square

1               5                   Polygonal


house81. Codes the character of the floor level within the house

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

80              1                   Subterranean or semi-subterranean, ignoring storage facilities

247             2                   Floor formed by or level with ground

10              3                   Elevated slightly above the ground on raised platform

2               4                   Raised substantially above ground


house82. Codes the character of the wall material used in constructing the house

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value               Description

15              1                   Open walls

246             2                   Walls indistinguishable from roof

13              3                   Grass, leaves, bark or thatch

10              4                   Processed or manufactured materials (locally made)

46              5                   Wood

9               6                   Stone and/or earth


house83. Codes the shape of the roof or of walls and roof when the former are not distinct

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

20              1                   Shed type with one slope

98              2                   Beehive shaped with peak (conical forms)

131             3                   Dome shapes, semi-hemispherical and hemispherical forms

7               4                   Flat or horizontal

83              5                   Gabled or hipped


house84. Codes the material used in roofing for the dominant house form

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value               Description

159             1                   Grass, leaves or thatch

35              2                   Bark

9               3                   Ice and Snow

55              4                   Manufactured or processed materials

36              5                   Wood

45              6                   Earth or sod


house85. Codes the shape of the ground plan of the most common type of shelter

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=243; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

95              1                   Semicircular

80              2                   Circular

7               3                   Elliptical or elongated with rounded ends

60              4                   Rectangular or square

1               5                   Polygonal

96              NA                  NA


house86. Codes the character of the floor level within the shelter

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=241; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

20              1                   Subterranean or semi-subterranean, ignoring storage facilities

218             2                   Floor formed by or level with ground

2               3                   Elevated slightly above the ground on raised platform

1               4                   Raised substantially above ground

98              NA                  NA


house87. Codes the character of the wall material used in constructing the shelter

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=242; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

49              1                   Open walls

167             2                   Walls indistinguishable from roof

11              3                   Grass, leaves, bark or thatch

7               4                   Processed or manufactured materials (locally made)

8               5                   Wood

97              NA                  NA


house88. Codes the shape of the shelters roof or of walls and roof when the former are not distinct

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=242; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

92              1                   Shed type with one slope

72              2                   Beehive shaped with peak (conical forms)

36              3                   Dome shapes, semi-hemispherical and hemispherical forms

13              4                   Flat or horizontal

29              5                   Gabled or hipped

97              NA                  NA


house89. Codes the material used in roofing for the dominant shelter form

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=244; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value               Description

141             1                   Grass, leaves or thatch

37              2                   Bark

50              4                   Manufactured or processed materials

8               5                   Wood

8               6                   Earth or sod

95              NA                  NA


sed. Degree of sedentism

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

77              1                   Fully nomadic

135             2                   Semi-nomadic

103             3                   Semi-sedentary

24              4                   Seasonal permanence


mobpat. Codes the mobility-group organizations of the subsistence-settlement pattern

Class=numeric; Type=unknown; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=6

Freq            Value               Description

137             1                   Generalized collecting

12              2                   Foraging

43              3                   Tethered Foraging

94              4                   Differentiated Collecting

48              5                   Central Place Collecting

5               6                   Central Place Foraging


mobp2. Routed foraging where the group feeds between target locations that are annually visited for purposes of obtaining raw materials to maintain technology.

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

137             1                   Routed foraging

50              2                   General foraging

55              3                   Central place foraging

97              4                   Teathered foraging


noantrap. The number of (types of) animal traps documented for the group.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=41; Number of unique values=17

Stat            Value

nobs            41

mean            8.22

min             0

max             27

sd              5.659


noantrapgrp. Ordinal simplification of noantrap

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=41; Number of unique values=4

Freq            Value               Description

5               1                   number of traps<=2

12              2                   3<=number of traps<=5

12              3                   6<=number of traps<=10

12              4                   11<=number of traps<=27

298             NA                  NA


sz1fam. Size of a single family dwelling [size is reported as the diameter (m) of a circle with area equal to the area of the dwelling]

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=143; Number of unique values=104

Stat            Value

nobs            143

mean            2.906

min             1.18

max             4.57

sd              0.786


szjoint. Size of a joint family dwelling [size reported as diameter (m) of a circle with area equal to the area of the dwelling]

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=104; Number of unique values=80

Stat            Value

nobs            104

mean            5.177

min             2.46

max             9.51

sd              1.311


szcomu. Size of a communal dwelling [size reported as diameter (m) of a circle with area equal to the area of the dwelling]

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=56; Number of unique values=53

Stat            Value

nobs            56

mean            10.825

min             4.75

max             19.25

sd              3.497


szmean. Mean dwelling size [size reported as diameter (m) of a circle with area equal to the area of the dwelling]

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=206; Number of unique values=170

Stat            Value

nobs            206

mean            5.311

min             1.18

max             19.25

sd              3.391


diasz. Unknown meaning.

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=255

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            865.434

min             14

max             10000

sd              1347.71


prindx. Ratio of population density to TERMD2, the terrestrial model population density - a very simple measure of pressure on terrestrial resources = how many times more densely populated than a cultural terrestrial carrying capacity are observed HGs (Equation: density/termd2)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=229

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            38.385

min             0.1

max             459.5

sd              67.281


termhnt. Proportion of food in a-cultural terrestrial model from hunting

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=330

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            0.554

min             0.086

max             1

sd              0.259


termgath. Proportion of food in a-cultural terrestrial model from gathering

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=329; Number of unique values=329

Stat            Value

nobs            329

mean            0.459

min             0.029

max             0.914

sd              0.251


wtrans. Unknown meaning.

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value

18              H

321             P


pathogen. Pathogen prevalence (Fincher and Thornhill 2008)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=13

Freq            Value

1               4

5               5

25              6

17              7

34              8

48              9

72              10

30              11

23              12

26              13

34              14

12              15

12              16


numfam. Number of families in society (Equation: tlpop/famsz) (Hamilton et al. 2007)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=128; Number of unique values=126

Stat            Value

nobs            128

mean            277.27

min             7.5

max             3153.2

sd              401.6


numg1. Number of group1 units in society (Equation: tlpop/group1) (Hamilton et al. 2007)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=227; Number of unique values=196

Stat            Value

nobs            227

mean            82.964

min             2.4

max             1250

sd              129.502


numg2. Number of group2 units in society (Equation: tlpop/group2) (Hamilton et al. 2007)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=297; Number of unique values=217

Stat            Value

nobs            297

mean            27.589

min             1

max             371.3

sd              36.91


numg3. Number of group3 units in society (Equation: tlpop/group3) (Hamilton et al. 2007)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=216; Number of unique values=117

Stat            Value

nobs            216

mean            8.102

min             0.1

max             107.1

sd              11.25


branchrat. Horton-Strahler branching ratio, produced as slope in regression (Hamilton et al. 2007:2197)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=208

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            3.868

min             1.93

max             6.85

sd              0.896


iso639.3. ISO 639-3 language code, used on Ethnologue (

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=238

First six non-missing records:

society         iso639.3

Punan           pne

Batek           btq

Kubu            kvb

Shompen         sii

Onge            oon

Jarwa           akj


lang. Language name, from Ethnologue (

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=249

First six non-missing records:

society         lang

Punan           Penan, Western

Batek           Batek

Kubu            Kubu

Shompen         Shom Peng

Onge            Onge

Jarwa           Aka-Jeru


phyl. Language phylogenetic classification, from Ethnologue (

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=180

First six non-missing records:

society         phyl

Punan           Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Punan-Nibong

Batek           Austro-Asiatic, Mon-Khmer, Aslian, North Aslian, Eastern

Kubu            Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Malayic, Malayan, Local Malay

Shompen         Austro-Asiatic, Mon-Khmer, Nicobar, Shom Peng

Onge            Andamanese, South Andamanese

Jarwa           Andamanese, Great Andamanese, Northern


reg. Classification into Old World or New World. Used for calculation of linguistic proximity matrix.

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=2

Freq            Value

235             newWorld

104             oldWorld


hougrp2. Mean number of houses per group2 unit. (Equation: group2/mhs); (Binford 2001:344)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=222; Number of unique values=212

Stat            Value

nobs            222

mean            10.558

min             0.806

max             58.632

sd              9.712


hhtyp1. Primary household type, based on initial capital letter in code for hhtype; (Table: 8.08); (Binford 2001: 297)

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=115; Number of unique values=8

Freq            Value               Description

10              1                   Large extended family

40              2                   Small extended family

9               3                   Stem family

8               4                   Independent monogamous family

35              5                   Independent nuclear family with limited polygyny

1               6                   Independent non-sororal polygynous family, no separate quarters for co-wives

11              7                   Independent sororal polygynous family, no separate quarters for co-wives

1               8                   Independent sororal polygynous family, separate quarters for co-wives

224             NA                  NA


meanalt. BIOCLIM: Mean altitude within 20 km radius (m) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=294

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            635.77

min             4

max             2712

sd              580.281


sdalt. BIOCLIM: Standard deviation of altitude within 20 km radius (m) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=217

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            164.681

min             2

max             772

sd              157.043


bio.1. BIOCLIM: Annual Mean Temperature (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            112.231

min             -164.099

max             291.526

sd              110.87


bio.2. BIOCLIM: Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)) (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            120.45

min             49.365

max             183.476

sd              33.04


bio.3. BIOCLIM: Isothermality (bio_2/bio_7) (* 100) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=336

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            43.542

min             14

max             91.033

sd              15.984


bio.4. BIOCLIM: Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            6509.571

min             222.669

max             16608.002

sd              4001.132


bio.5. BIOCLIM: Max Temperature of Warmest Month (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            273.17

min             45.973

max             422.216

sd              75.213


bio.6. BIOCLIM: Min Temperature of Coldest Month (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            -34.476

min             -398.38

max             238.314

sd              155.81


bio.7. BIOCLIM: Temperature Annual Range (bio_5-bio_6) (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            308.18

min             75.733

max             601.274

sd              118.394


bio.8. BIOCLIM: Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            134.55

min             -81.893

max             314.55

sd              101.757


bio.9. BIOCLIM: Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            100.442

min             -340.558

max             291.682

sd              150.656


bio.10. BIOCLIM: Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            194.253

min             9.595

max             322.512

sd              71.428


bio.11. BIOCLIM: Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter (dgC*10) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            29.36

min             -340.558

max             270.661

sd              154.866


bio.12. BIOCLIM: Annual Precipitation (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            910.484

min             82.073

max             4057.044

sd              779.572


bio.13. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Wettest Month (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            154.091

min             13.884

max             746.14

sd              135.724


bio.14. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Driest Month (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=322

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            21.315

min             0

max             248.87

sd              29.179


bio.15. BIOCLIM: Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            57.47

min             11.539

max             125.7

sd              26.893


bio.16. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Wettest Quarter (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            417.521

min             34.975

max             1889.755

sd              367.429


bio.17. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Driest Quarter (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=336

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            79.193

min             0

max             843.962

sd              99.286


bio.18. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Warmest Quarter (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            211.596

min             1.959

max             1330.102

sd              205.565


bio.19. BIOCLIM: Precipitation of Coldest Quarter (mm) (Hijmans et al. 2005)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=337

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            233.492

min             0.616

max             1741.982

sd              295.587


mnnpp. Mean Net Primary Production within 50 km radius. (scaled) (Imhoff et al. 2004)

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=338

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            -0.36

min             -1.363

max             2.635

sd              0.877


long. Longitude (decimal degrees)--rectified

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=320

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            -44.972

min             -170.31

max             170.08

sd              105.949


lati. Latitude (decimal degrees)--rectified

Class=numeric; Type=ordinal; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=324

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            26.245

min             -54.558

max             77.49

sd              32.35


ecoregion. WWF ecoregion. (Olson et al. 2001)

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=142

First six non-missing records:

society         ecoregion

Punan           Central Borneo montane forests

Batek           Palawan moist deciduous forest

Kubu            Central and Southern Sumatra moist forests

Shompen         North Sumatra - Nicobar Islands moist forests

Onge            Andaman Islands moist forests

Jarwa           Andaman Islands moist forests WWF major habitat type. (Olson et al. 2001)

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=14

Freq            Value

31              Boreal foresttaigas

68              Deserts and xeric shrublands

1               Flooded grasslands

19              Mediterranean scrub

1               Montane grasslands

1               Snow, ice, glaciers, and rock

15              Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests

67              Temperate coniferous forests

33              Temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands

11              Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests

34              Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands

30              Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests

27              Tundra

1               Water


koeppengei. Koeppen-Geiger climate classification. (Kottek et al. 2006)

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=22

First six non-missing records:

society         koeppengei

Punan           Af

Batek           Aw

Kubu            Af

Shompen         Af

Onge            Am

Jarwa           Am


society. Ethnographic Atlas society name

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=339

First six non-missing records:

society         society.1

Punan           Punan

Batek           Batek

Kubu            Kubu

Shompen         Shompen

Onge            Onge

Jarwa           Jarwa


continent. Continent

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=5

Freq            Value

20              Africa

28              Asia

56              Australia

215             North America

20              South America


region. Major sub-continental geographic region

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=11

Freq            Value

5               Asiatic Russia

56              AustraliaNew Zealand

6               Central America

4               Eastern Africa

2               Eastern Asia

7               Middle Africa

209             Northern America

20              South America

9               Southeastern Asia

9               Southern Africa

12              Southern Asia


iso. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes (GADM-2 data from

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=33

First six non-missing records:

society         iso

Punan           MYS

Batek           PHL

Kubu            IDN

Shompen         IND

Onge            IND

Jarwa           IND


name.0. Name of Country (GADM-2 data from

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=33

First six non-missing records:

society         name.0

Punan           Malaysia

Batek           Philippines

Kubu            Indonesia

Shompen         India

Onge            India

Jarwa           India


name.1. Name of first subnational administrative level (GADM-2 data from

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=99

First six non-missing records:

society         name.1

Punan           Sarawak

Batek           Palawan

Kubu            Sumatera Selatan

Shompen         Andaman and Nicobar

Onge            Andaman and Nicobar

Jarwa           Andaman and Nicobar


hasc.1. Hierarchical administrative subdivision code--level 1 (GADM-2 data from

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=336; Number of unique values=96

First six non-missing records:

society         hasc.1

Punan           MY.SK

Batek           PH.PL

Kubu            ID.SL

Shompen         IN.AN

Onge            IN.AN

Jarwa           IN.AN


name.2. Name of second subnational administrative level (GADM-2 data from

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=251

First six non-missing records:

society         name.2

Punan           Belaga

Batek           Puerto Princesa City

Kubu            Musi Rawas

Shompen         Nicobar Islands

Onge            Andaman Islands

Jarwa           Andaman Islands


hasc.2. Hierarchical administrative subdivision code--level 2 (GADM-2 data from

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=299; Number of unique values=224

First six non-missing records:

society         hasc.2

Punan           MY.SK.BL

Batek           PH.PL.PE

Kubu            ID.SL.MR

Shompen         IN.AN.NI

Onge            IN.AN.AN

Jarwa           IN.AN.AN


name.3. Name of third subnational administrative level (GADM-2 data from

Class=character; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=97; Number of unique values=80

First six non-missing records:

society         name.3

Batek           Langogan

Shompen         n.a. ( 2304)

Onge            n.a. ( 2178)

Jarwa           n.a. ( 2178)

Ayta-Pinatubo   Maamot

North Island    n.a. ( 2178)


eaid. Ethnographic Atlas ID number, if society is in the EA

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=207; Number of unique values=207

Stat            Value

nobs            207

mean            464.343

min             1

max             1248

sd              236.76


lrbid. Binford foragers ID number, if society is in the LRB

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=339; Number of unique values=339

Stat            Value

nobs            339

mean            170

min             1

max             339

sd              98.005


sccsid. Standard Cross Cultural Sample ID number, if society is in the SCCS

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=37; Number of unique values=37

Stat            Value

nobs            37

mean            123.757

min             2

max             186

sd              43.467


wnaiid. Western North American Indian ID number, if society is in the WNAI

Class=numeric; Type=categorical; Number non-missing=88; Number of unique values=88

Stat            Value

nobs            88

mean            69.659

min             2

max             155

sd              42.483