Results from June 6, 2018

We are just beginning to get beneath the plow zone in all of our open units. On the eastern side of the field, Maddie, Devin, and Janice discovered part of a horseshoe and a piece of possible horse tack.

Not to be outdone, John, Brittany, and Kathryn found numerous pieces of eighteenth and nineteenth-century pottery and a handful of nails in a unit 2 meters north of Maddie’s group. By midday, the walls of their unit were almost perfectly flat, but “almost perfect” is not good enough for Kathryn, who can be seen here shaving a few millimeters off of her south profile wall.

Just over 100 yards to the west, Amanda’s group uncovered a loose layer of limestone just beneath the ground surface. This could be part of a horse racetrack that once existed in the field but more digging is needed to know for sure.

While Amanda, Fiona, and Hannah troweled their limestone feature, Constants was busy working the screen and taking care of the back dirt. She has almost tamed their tipsy wheelbarrow from yesterday.

Tomorrow we should be coming down on some of the site’s prehistoric deposits. Stay tuned!