Results from June 9, 2018

We were short a couple of people today, so we decided to open up only two of our test units. Dr. Eubanks also formed a site “beautification and safety” crew. Their goal was to go around the site filling in holes with dirt and sod. Here, Constants and Kathryn can be seen taking a much needed break from their duties.

Meanwhile, Shonda, Brittany, and Matthew were busy collecting water samples from several possible mineral spring remnants. They have not hit mineral water yet, but they will try again on Monday.

Amanda and Fiona worked hard on exposing more of their “rock pit.” They were joined by Amanda’s husband Bill, who can be seen here contemplating switching his career to archaeology.

Just before lunch, Maddie’s group uncovered our first fabric-impressed saltpan sherd from a Mississippian midden in the eastern part of the site.

We packed up around noon and had a short lunch break. Dr. Smith then gave the crew a tour of Bledsoe’s Station. This was a welcomed reprieve from working out in the hot sun.

We have tomorrow off, but we will be back at it again on Monday morning.