Results from June 6, 2019

Our third day in the field got off to an excellent start. Yesterday, two of our canopies bit the dust, but, there were three brand new canopies when we arrived to the site today thanks to the Canopy Fairy.

Most of our units are approaching the base of Level 2, which means it’s time to work on the unit walls to make sure that they are perfectly flat. Here, Richard is using a flat sharpshooter shovel to accomplish this task. Making sure that the unit walls are straight is key to accurately interpreting soil stratigraphy.

Cleaning unit walls, however, is hard work, and just as our energy stores started running low, Dr. Smith came by with a delicious treat --- no-bake peanut butter squares. In related news, the crew has decided that Dr. Smith can visit the site anytime he wants.

After our snack, it was back to digging. We are getting close to being able to take a picture in a couple of our units. But, before we can take a picture of a unit level, it must first be cleaned with a trowel to see if there are any soil changes.

Right as we were about to take our first unit level pictures, the rains came. We were able to avoid most of the scattered showers throughout the day, but an incoming storm front forced us to leave a little early.