Results from June 22, 2019

Today was almost a complete wash, but there were a couple hours of clear skies in the afternoon, so we decided to open up the site for our second “Volunteer Saturday.” There were a few brave visitors including Sarah, a former MTSU field school student (Wynnewood Slave Cabins 2000), and her Boy Scout troop.

Although our unit covers performed admirably through the storms, many of our deeper units are getting close to the water table.

To avoid damaging the floors, we decided it was best to excavate only in our shallower units today.

The Boy Scouts helped us out in levels 1 and 2 in Unit C23 in the western half of the field. They found numerous historic artifacts including several pieces of ceramics and a couple of wire nails.

In addition to the Boy Scouts, we were also visited by Nina the Newt. She mostly hung out near the sulphur well just to the south of the site. This is probably for the best as she would likely not get along well with our site cat, Lil Bit.