L. Burriss' Home Page
Greetings!! My name is Dr. Larry Burriss, and
this page contains class materials as well as articles and PowerPoint presentations I have recently
completed. Please e-mail me if you have any questions or comments.
- Jour/EMC/RI 1020-H02 (American Media and Social Institutions) T & Th 8:00-9:25, Student Union 220 (Fall 2020)
- Jour/MA/RI 1020-009 (Introduction to Media and Entertainment) T & Th, 2:40-4:05, Bragg 104 (Spring 2025)
- Jour/EMC/RI 3650-002 (Free Expression, Mass Media & the American Public) T & Th 1:00-2:25, Bragg 104 (Fall 2024)
- Jour/MA/RI 4250-002 (Mass Media Law) T & Th, 1:00-2:25, Bragg 151 (Spring 2025)
- Jour/EMC 4700-001 (Mass Media and National Security) T & Th 9:40-11:05, Bragg 104 (Fall 2024)
- MC 6300-001 (Media Law & Ethics) Thursday, 4:30-7:30, Bragg 151 (Spring 2025)
- Sentience and Sapience in the One Ring: The Reality of Tolkien's Master Ring (Mythlore)
- Middle-earth and the Paradox of the Heap (Bulletin of the Tolkien Society)
- Television in Middle earth: The Palantiri and the Mirror of Galadriel (Bulletin of the Tolkien Society)
- Slouching Towards Nuclear War: Coorientation and NATO Exercise Able Archer 83 (International Journal of Intelligence, Security and Public Affairs)
- America's First Newspaper Leak: Tom Paine and the Disclosure of Secret French Aid to the United States
- Bethel Writing Workshop (Parts 1, 2, 3)
- Creativity, Law and Ethics: What are the Boundaries (SigGraph)
- CyberLaw in the Classroom (Association for Childhood Education International)
- Comfort and Competence: Teacher Candidates' Attitudes Towards Diversity (American Educational Research Association)
- Gutenberg Revisited: The Schoool Newspaper as Art and Literature (Association for Childhood Education International)
- Internet Source Credibility: Potentials and Perils (Association for Childhood Education International World Conference, Moscow)
- On-Line Instruction: Pedagogies, Potentials and Pitfalls (Faculty Instructional Technology Institute)
- Public Perception and Public Policy (National Rural Community Assistance Partnership Conference, USDA Forest Service)
- Reading in the Age of RAM: What Have They Done to My Words?
- Safety in the Cybervillage (Association for Childhood Education International)
- Young Minds, Old Media: Mass Media in the Lives of Our Children
- The Bard at the Bar: William Shakespeare and the United States Supreme Court (Ohio Valley Shakespeare Conference)
Thanks for visiting. Please
send questions and comments to