Key Findings
Construction Phase
- By 2014, total green investments by these six major companies will total more than $5.5 billion.
- The number of direct green jobs generated in 2011 was 5,674, with a total economic impact of 9,369 jobs across Tennessee.
- Total number of green construction jobs (direct + indirect + induced) was 6,893.
Operation Phase
- At full employment, these companies are expected to employ directly 4,572 people by 2014.
- The total number of permanent jobs is 16,559, of which
- 10,143 jobs are green jobs.
- These investments are likely to generate increased demand for the following occupational categories and occupations.
Green Increased Demand Occupations
- Team assemblers
- First-line supervisors
- Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers
- Laborers
- Green Enhanced Skills Occupations
- Machinists
- Inspectors and testers
- Maintenance and repair workers
- Green New and Emerging Occupations
- Engineers
- Solar energy installation managers
- Logistics engineers and analysts
- Energy brokers
- The green manufacturing jobs created with these investments represent nearly 1.5 percent of the state's total manufacturing jobs, which may stop the downward trend in the manufacturing sector.
Complete Study
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* Murat Arik is associate director of the Business and Economic Research Center at Middle Tennessee State University. |

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