Reservations for This Week (2/4/25 07:00 PM)

Demo Lab E

Date Day Room In Out Course/Event Teacher
02-05-2025 005 S137E 07:00 AM 02:00 PM Elrod Test 1 Proctoring Melody Elrod
02-05-2025 005 S137E 02:20 PM 03:45 PM MKTG 3850-01 Ronda Henderson
02-05-2025 005 S137E 04:00 PM 06:00 PM Tests for BLAW 3400 and 4470 Lara Daniel
02-06-2025 006 S137E 12:30 PM 03:00 PM Elrod Test 1 Proctoring Melody Elrod


Demo Lab F

Date Day Room In Out Course/Event Teacher
02-04-2025 004 S137F 06:00 PM 11:59 PM Esports Splatoon 3 (RLewis) Richard Lewis
02-11-2025 011 S137F 06:00 PM 11:59 PM Esports Splatoon 3 (RLewis) Richard Lewis


All Current & Future Reservations

Date Day Room In Out Course/Event Teacher
02-04-2025 004 S137F 06:00 PM 11:59 PM Esports Splatoon 3 (RLewis) Richard Lewis
02-05-2025 005 S137E 07:00 AM 02:00 PM Elrod Test 1 Proctoring Melody Elrod
02-05-2025 005 S137E 02:20 PM 03:45 PM MKTG 3850-01 Ronda Henderson
02-05-2025 005 S137E 04:00 PM 06:00 PM Tests for BLAW 3400 and 4470 Lara Daniel
02-06-2025 006 S137E 12:30 PM 03:00 PM Elrod Test 1 Proctoring Melody Elrod
02-11-2025 011 S137F 06:00 PM 11:59 PM Esports Splatoon 3 (RLewis) Richard Lewis
02-17-2025 017 S137E 10:20 AM 11:45 AM MGMT 3810-001 (Human Resource Management) EMcAnally Emily McAnally
02-18-2025 018 S137F 06:00 PM 11:59 PM Esports Splatoon 3 (RLewis) Richard Lewis
02-19-2025 019 S137E 07:00 AM 04:00 PM Elrod - Test Proctoring Melody Elrod
02-19-2025 019 S137E 04:00 PM 06:00 PM Tests for BLAW 3400 and 4470 Lara Daniel
02-20-2025 020 S137E 10:40 AM 11:05 AM MGMT 3810-001 (Human Resource Management) EMcAnally Emily McAnally
02-25-2025 025 S137F 06:00 PM 11:59 PM Esports Splatoon 3 (RLewis) Richard Lewis
02-27-2025 027 S137F 09:40 AM 11:05 AM PRST 4995 Keri Carter
03-03-2025 003 S137E 08:40 AM 10:05 AM Exam - JMitchell Joseph Mitchell
03-03-2025 003 S137E 12:30 PM 02:20 PM 3040 Class Ralph Williams
03-04-2025 004 S137F 06:00 PM 11:59 PM Esports Splatoon 3 (RLewis) Richard Lewis
03-05-2025 005 S137E 04:00 PM 06:00 PM Tests for BLAW 3400 and 4470 Lara Daniel
03-06-2025 006 S137E 10:00 AM 01:30 PM Elrod - Test Proctoring Melody Elrod
03-07-2025 007 S137E 09:00 AM 04:00 PM Elrod - Test Proctoring Melody Elrod
03-19-2025 019 S137E 02:20 PM 03:45 PM MKTG 3850-01 Ronda Henderson
03-20-2025 020 S137F 09:40 AM 11:05 AM PRST 4995 Keri Carter
03-24-2025 024 S137E 01:50 PM 03:50 PM PGEO 1030 Alisa Hass
03-25-2025 025 S137E 09:05 AM 11:05 AM PGEO 1030 Alisa Hass
03-25-2025 025 S137F 09:40 AM 11:05 AM PRST 4995 Keri Carter
03-26-2025 026 S137E 01:50 PM 03:50 PM PGEO 1030 Alisa Hass
03-26-2025 026 S137F 02:20 PM 03:45 PM MKTG 3850-01 Ronda Henderson
03-27-2025 027 S137E 09:05 AM 11:05 AM PGEO 1030 Alisa Hass
04-02-2025 002 S137E 07:00 AM 04:00 PM Elrod - Test Proctoring Melody Elrod
04-02-2025 002 S137E 04:00 PM 06:00 PM Tests for BLAW 3400 and 4470 Lara Daniel
04-09-2025 009 S137E 12:40 PM 02:05 PM ENTR 3650 Dennis Gupton
04-10-2025 010 S137F 11:20 AM 12:45 PM PRST 3995 Dianna Rust
04-14-2025 014 S137E 10:20 AM 11:45 AM MGMT 3810-001 (Human Resource Management) EMcAnally Emily McAnally
04-15-2025 015 S137E 09:40 AM 11:05 AM MGMT 3810-001 (Human Resource Management) EMcAnally Emily McAnally
04-16-2025 016 S137E 10:20 AM 11:45 AM MGMT 3810-001 (Human Resource Management) EMcAnally Emily McAnally
04-16-2025 016 S137E 04:00 PM 06:00 PM Tests for BLAW 3400 and 4470 Lara Daniel
04-17-2025 017 S137F 11:20 AM 12:45 PM PRST 3995 Dianna Rust
04-24-2025 024 S137E 10:00 AM 01:30 PM Elrod - Test Proctoring Melody Elrod
04-25-2025 025 S137E 09:00 AM 04:00 PM Elrod - Test Proctoring Melody Elrod
04-28-2025 028 S137E 01:50 PM 03:50 PM AERO 4040 / Major Field Test for Aerospace Department required to graduate William Pleasants
04-28-2025 028 S137F 01:50 PM 03:50 PM AERO 4040 / Major Field Test for Aerospace Department required to graduate William Pleasants
04-29-2025 029 S137E 09:40 AM 11:40 AM Aerospace Major Field Test Peter Neff
04-30-2025 030 S137E 04:00 PM 06:00 PM Tests for BLAW 3400 and 4470 Lara Daniel
05-07-2025 007 S137E 07:30 AM 09:30 AM Exam - JMitchell Joseph Mitchell