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For additional online information on Vico, visit the following sites:
- Centro di Studi Vichiani is the oldest institute devoted to the study of Vico, having been founded in 1971 in Naples by Pietro Piovani. The same year it began publishing the Bollettino del Centro di Studi Vichiani (Bulletin of the Center for Vico Studies). Recently, the Center has become part of Istituto per la storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico moderno (Institute for the History of Modern Philosophical and Scientific Thought). The current director is Giuseppe Cacciatore.
- The Institute for Vico Studies was founded in 1974 by Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Donald Philip Verene. In 1983 it began to publish New Vico Studies. Currently, the Institute is directed by Donald Philip Verene and is housed in the Department of Philosophy at Emory University.
- Centre Giambattista Vico was founded in 1997 by Alain Pons and other scholars. It is affiliated with the Centre d' Études en Rhétorique, Philosophie et Histoire des Idées, de l'Humanisme aux Lumières (CERPHI) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines in Lyon. The site contains Anne-Sophie Menasseyre's online bibliography of primary and secondary works in French (current to 1998).
- Giambattista Vico Center is maintained by Giorgio A. Pinton, an important translator of Vico's Latin works into English. Among the site's many useful resources are tables of contents for the three journals devoted to Vico: Bollettino del Centro di Studi Vichiani, Cuadernos sobre Vico (Centro de Investigaciones sobre Vico, Universidad de Sevilla), and New Vico Studies.
- Centro de Investigaciones sobre Vico at the University of Seville is the home of the journal Cuadernos sobre Vico. Both the Center and the journal were founded in 1991 by Professor José M. Sevilla Fernández, who continues to serve as director of the Center and editor of the journal. Among the resources at this site are abstracts of all the articles published in Cuadernos and a bibliography of Spanish scholarship.