Spring 2023
OFFICE HOURS (Starting January 17)
Monday - Thursday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
I can meet via Zoom upon request during these office hours
Evening and weekend Zoom meetings available by appointment only
In the event of severe weather or other emergency, class will meet unless the University is closed. If
Murfreesboro CITY SCHOOLS are closed, then graded activities will be
postponed until the first day CITY SCHOOLS reopen. New material
covered during the postponement period will not be added to the
postponed activities. If
needed, additional information will be sent to the class via the email
addresses on my class roll.

Class Links
Are You Ready for Calculus?
Try Calculus I Practice
Try Calculus II
Practice Final.
Try Calculus III Practice Final
Try Trigonometry
Practice Final.
COVID-19 University Policy
Attendance: Students should not attend an on-ground, in-person
class if they are ill, have any symptoms listed in the PreClass
COVID-19 Self-Assessment, have tested positive for COVID-19, or have
been in close contact with others who have tested positive. If they
have tested positive or have been in close contact with someone who
has, they should self-quarantine. Students are expected to keep their
instructors informed regarding their status when they are absent from
class and act with good faith and honesty when determining whether or
not they attend class. For more information, visit MTSU
Masking: Masking and social distancing are currently optional;
however, this can change per CDC guidelines and administrative
mandate. Ventilation in Kirksey Old Main is not the best; I will
be wearing a mask during class and recommend you do the same
regardless of vaccination status.
Zoom behavior: University
Policy 540 Student Conduct stipulates that appropriate behavior is
required both in person and online. Appropriate language and attire
are required on Zoom, both in lecture and break-out rooms. For
additional guidance on MTSU rules, facilities, and schedules, visit MTSU
Coronavirus Response.

Spring 2023 Teaching Schedule
Senior Seminar (Math 4990- 001)
This course allows senior mathematics majors the opportunity to review and make connections between the various courses they have taken while also preparing for the Major Field Test in Mathematics. The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 AM to 9:25 AM in KOM 300.
Abstract Algebra I
(Math 4510 001) 
This course provides an introduction to group theory while providing additional exposure to proof-writing. Topics covered include functions and relations, properties of groups, group homomorphisms and isomorphisms, subgroups, and product groups. The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:40 AM to 11:05 AM in KOM 202.
Linear Algebra I
(Math 2010 003) 
This course provides an introduction to the mathematics of matrices and vectors. Topics covered include systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, abstract vector spaces, inner product spaces, and linear transformations. The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:20 AM to 12:45 PM in KOM 324.
ALEKS Information Page Calculus
I ALEKS Information Page
Math tutoring is available
as a free service to MTSU students. Tutoring is conducted by
Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA’s), work study aids, and a faculty
Dates and times to be
for MATH 1010, 1410, 1420, 1630, and 1710 is offered in the Walker
Library. See http://www.mtsu.edu/studentsuccess
for more information.
are not allowed to help with graded assignments.
Instructive Math
Videos for All Occasions
(Informative Math Videos)
Lectures in Advanced
