The first order of business for the day was probing the base of Unit A7/B7 in the western part of the site. Constants� proclamation yesterday that the base of her unit was �moving� appeared to be correct, as the floor of her unit is sitting just above the water table. Because there were no artifacts in their last level, the decision was made to not dig any deeper. The crew working in this unit spent the rest of the day learning how to draw soil profiles under the expert tutelage of their crew chief Amanda.
Meanwhile, in the eastern part of the site, Matthew, Shonda, and Valerie, were busy finding an interesting mix of prehistoric and historic artifacts, including an incised bowl sherd�
�and a projectile point that likely predates the site�s Mississippian occupation.
In the same level as these artifacts, they also uncovered a historic square post with a circular post mold inside.
The post was discovered at the end of the day, so they did not have time to finish excavating it, but they will be back at it again tomorrow morning. Stay tuned for more updates!