Results from June 20, 2018


We almost acquired an extra crew member today. His name is “Lil Bit.” Once he found out that he would have to work all day instead of nap, he decided not to join the field crew.

Ron Borders, the Wynnewood Site Director and Lil Bit’s human, was kind enough to stop by and mow the grass for us today.

Our most interesting find today was discovered by John and Kathryn working in the Mississippian midden in the eastern part of the site. It is a handle from a jar that probably dates to sometime between A.D. 1200 and 1250.

This same test unit also produced a piece of galena, which could have been used to make a paint or pigment.

In the center of the site, Amanda, Constants, Fiona, and Hannah (aka the “Ginga Ninja”) continued excavating their linear feature. It still looks like an animal burrow, but as they started taking down their next level, they discovered what might be the remains of a historic post. More on that tomorrow, provided that we do not get rained out!