Tennessee Archaeology NetworkThe Central Information Source |
BISO-MTSU Cooperative Cliffline Archaeological Survey Project |
Statutory AuthorityOther Statutory Authority that provides protection for the cultural resources on the National Area are: the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended; the Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1977 as amended, and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1991 as amended.
Key activitiesSite InventoryArcheological Site Inventory projects have been ongoing for the past 20 years. Approximately two dozen site inventory reports have been produced but only about 20% of the estimated 5000 archeological sites at Big South Fork have been located and investigated.
Site ProtectionThe most critical concern facing the National Park Service at Big South Fork is combating the ever present looting of the conspicuous rockshelter sites by relic hunters. A successful archeological sites Monitoring Program was conducted at Big South Fork from 1986-1989 and an ARPA conviction was made in 1988. Another ARPA case was prosecuted in 1998. The NPS has also assisted other Federal Agencies in making two other ARPA cases on nearby US Forest Service lands.
InterpretationSeveral efforts to inform the public about the cultural resources of the National Area have been undertaken by the NPS Interpretation staff over the past decade. A Summer Public Archeology Program has been developed; an on-area "Dig Box" exercise for young children has been developed; two Cultural Heritage Days festivals have been established; a self guided "Cultural Resources Loop Trail" has been built, and Interpretive slide programs have been presented to many school groups, civic organizations, and visitors.
Archeological ResearchArcheological research efforts have been undertaken in concert with several of the Inventory Surveys. Also, several prehistoric archeological and historic research projects have been undertaken and published for this area and for the cultural resources surrounding the National Area.
Curation of ArtifactsThe Big South Fork has established a curation facility for materials collected during most of the archeological research and compliance projects here and several collections of donated artifacts. An extensive collection of historic mining era related artifacts are also curated at this facility. Additionally, we curate documentation and photographs related to the local area and culture.
Ethnographic Research/Oral HistoriesOver the last six years the NPS at Big South Fork has had a very active oral history program. We have collected much information relative to the folk history of the National Area and have produced two volumes of collected, transcribed interviews.
For further information please contact: Information on this page was provided by Mr. Tom Des Jean, Cultural Resource Specialist, Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. Tom Des Jean. Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Park Headquarters, 4564 Leatherwood Road, Oneida, TN 37841. Telephone: (423) 569-2404. Current Position:
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