Archaeology Laws and Ethics Statements :: Tennessee Archaeology Network

Tennessee Archaeology Network

The Central Information Source
for Tennessee Archaeology

Laws and Permits

Tennessee Archaeology Statutes -- TCA Title 11, Chapter 6

Tennessee Cemetery Statutes -- TCA Title 46, Chapter 4

Native American Cemetery Removal and Reburial -- Chapter 0400-9-1

Archaeological Permits on State Lands in Tennessee

Tennessee SHPO Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Resource Management Studies

National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106 Review in Tennessee

Professional Ethics Statements

Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA)
Ethical Positions of the Society (Article VII of Bylaws)

Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Principals of Archaeological Ethics

World Archaeological Congress (WAC) First Code of Ethics

Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA) Code of Conduct and Standards of Research Performance

Archaeological Institute of America Code of Ethics [PDF format]

Archaeological Institute of America Code of Professional Standards [PDF format]

American Cultural Resources Association Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

Archaeology Laws and Ethics Statements

A number of federal and state laws are relevant to archaeological sites and artifacts in the State of Tennessee.

In general, Tennessee's archaeological laws are codified in the Tennessee Archaeology Statutes.

Peruse the links at left to read the official state statutes, permitting requirements, etc.

In addition, a number of links are provided to ethics statements of professional archaeological organizations.

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