Tennessee Archaeology Net
Bibliographies for
Anthropological Research

[ Journal Indices ][ Just
for Fun ][ Hist
Arch ][ Lithics ]
Dating ][ GIS/Remote Sens ][ Bioarch+NAGPRA ][ Gender ]
[ Foodways ][ Theory/Methods ][ Artifact Class
Studies ]
[ Human Origins ][
Thesis/Diss online ][ Regional and Site
Specific ]
[ History of Arch ][ Linguistics/Language ][
Other Biblio Sites ]
Indices to
- Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology and Australasian
Historical Archaeology
- Beads
-- Journal of the Society of Bead Researchers.*
- Early
Georgia -- Publication of the Society for Georgia Archaeology.
- Historical Archaeology -- Publication of the Society for Historical
- Illinois Archaeology. Serial Index
1989-1999. Journal of the Illinois Archaeological Survey.*
- International Journal of Historical Archaeology
- Journal of Alabama Archaeology, Serial
Index 1955-1999.*
- Journal of Middle
Atlantic Archaeology, serial index, 1985-2001.*
- Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology,
Serial Index 1976-2001.*
- Ontario
Abstracts of the Journal of the Ontario
Archaeological Society
(1954-1999). Link not found on 8/11/02.
- Southeastern
Archaeology. Journal of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference.*
- Tennessee
Anthropologist. Journal of the Tennessee Anthropological
Association. Abstracts,
1976-2000. Compiled by Kevin E. Smith.*
- Tennessee
Archaeologist. Journal of the Tennessee Archaeological
Society. Compiled by Kevin E. Smith.*
Just For Fun
Lithic Studies
A Bibliography of Historical
Archaeology in North America, north of Mexico by John Cotter,
Bibliography for History and Archaeology compiled by David
Rotenstein (1986-1999).*
- The Federation of Historical Bottle Collectors Research
Sources Menu.*
- The Button Book List
compiled by Mr. Keith Golden. Two different updated versions area
available: (a) Camtech
Buttom Books and (b) Button
Images Button Books.*
- Brick and Tile Bibliography by Kris
Hirst. January 2, 1998.*
- Cartridge
Identification Bibliography by
- Bibliography of Reprinted Historical Catalogs
of Use to the Historical Archaeologist compiled by William Hampton
- A Bibliography of Ceramic Artifacts compiled
by William Hampton Adams.*
- Civil War Fashion Bibliography. Books, Articles, and Dissertations on
Clothing, 1840-1865
United States and Western Europe: A Work in progress.
Compiled by Vicki Betts.*
- A Bibliography on Commodity Flows and
National Market Access compiled by William Hampton Adams.*
- A Bibliography of Foodways, Zooarchaeology,
and Faunal Identification on Historical Sites compiled by William Hampton
- Bibliography of Funeral and Burial Practices in two parts. Part
1. Part
Extensive list of references on
historic North American burial practices, with emphasis on the
northeastern United States.*
- The Fur
Trade and Historical Archaeology: A Bibliography, compiled by Michael
"Smoke" Pfeiffer.*
- Bibliography of Glass Artifacts, Including
Bottles, Jars, and Flat Glass compiled by William Hampton Adams.*
- Window and
Flat Glass for Historical Archaeologists by David Moyer.*
- Bill Hunt's Medicine
Bottle Glass Index.
- A Bibliography of the History of Skagway, Alaska and the Klondike Gold Rush. Compiled by
William Hampton Adams and David R. Brauner. *
- A
Gunflint Bibliography compiled by K. Kris Hirst.*
- Bibliography
of Guns, Cartridges, and
Accouterments compiled by William Hampton Adams.*
- Bibliography of health, hygiene, and medical
care relating especially to 19th century military sites compiled by
William Hampton Adams. Added November 8, 1997. Revised January 27,
- Bibliography of Horse Accouterments compiled
by William Hampton Adams.*
- Ice House and
Ice Industry Bibliography, by Megan Springate. January 1999
Tanning and
Leather Industry: A Partial Bibliography of Historical,
Archaeological, and Technical Sources, by D.S. Rotenstein.*
- Game
Marble Bibliography.*
- A Bibliography of Military Uniforms, Clothing,
Insignia, and Buttons of Use to the Historical Archaeologist compiled
by William Hampton Adams.*
- Nails for
Historical Archaeologists by David Moyer.*
- A Bibliography of Historical Archaeology in the Pacific
Northwest. Compiled and updated by Roderick Sprague.*
- Historic and
Pre-Historic Native Smoking Pipe Bibliography. 1/21/99 version.
Compiled by Smoke Pfeiffer and hosted by Megan Springate.*
- Canadian Clay Tobacco Pipe Industries.
Very nice set of pages about tobacco pipe history and archaeological
data from Canada and some U.S. sites.*
- Byron Sudbury's new web pages for Clay Tobacco Pipes.
- A Bibliography of Plastic and Rubber
Artifacts compiled by William Hampton Adams.
- Slag and
Metallurgy for Historical Archaeologists
compiled by James H. Brothers IV.*
Dating Techniques and
GIS and Remote Sensing
History of
[Africa] [Asia] [Caribbean] [Australia & Oceania]
[Europe] [Near
East] [Mesoamerica] [North America] [South
Australia and Oceania
Near East
North America
South America
Bioarchaeology and Repatriation/Reburial
Foodways: Ethnobotany
and Zooarchaeology
Theory Related, Methods, and
Current Issues
Special Artifact Classes or General Artifact Studies
MA Thesis/PhD Dissertations
- Theses and Dissertations in Anthropology,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1973-2000.*
- Masters Theses in
Anthropology, University of Alabama 1954-2001.*
- BA
Honours Theses, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada.*
- Doctoral
Dissertations, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada.*
Human Origins and Related
Linguistics and
Other Bibliographic Web Sites
*Link verified on 8/10/02.
Address comments, additions or corrections to: Kevin E. Smith

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