Welcome to the webpage of Real-time and Embedded Control, Computing, and Communication (REC3) LAB
Faculty member:
Selected Research Projects:
- Indoor wireless localization and navigation
In this project, we use wireless signals to locate devices in indoor environments where GPS does not work well. The ultimate goal is to achieve precise indoor navigation.
We build intelligent and autonomous robots with sensing and communication capabilities to accomplish various tasks.
- Optimal parking strategies and pedestrian navigation
We use machine learning to find the best parking locations for cars and the best routes for pedestrians in smart cities.
- Adaptive Traffic Light Control with Quality-of-Service Guarantee
We seek effective ways to adaptively control traffic light in order to provide Quality-of-Service guarantee to cars.
Current advisees:
- Chris Winfrey (Ph.D., Computational Science)
Previous advisees:
- Piro Meleby (M.S., Engineering Technology), Summer 2021~Spring 2023, thesis: “Using Big Data to Evaluate Traffic Signal Performance for the State of Tennessee”
- Fadlullah Raji (M.S., Engineering Technology, Fall 2020 ~ Fall 2021, thesis: “Optimal Wireless Rate and Power Control Using Reinforcement Learning”). He is current a Ph.D. student at University of South Florida.
- Asma Mohammed (B.S., Mechatronics Engineering, summer 2021)
- Tamir Hussain (B.S., Mechatronics Engineering, summer 2021)
- Jiwon Kim (B.S., Mechatronics Engineering), recipient of URECA grant, Fall 2020. She is current a M.S. student at the University of Michigan.
- Simeon Adebola (M.S., Engineering Technology, Fall 2017~Fall 2019, thesis: “A Human Following Robot for Fall Detection”, recipient of 2019-2020 CBAS Graduate Student Research Award). He is current a Ph.D. student at UC Berkley.
- Manoj Basnet (M.S., Engineering Technology, Fall 2018~Summer 2019).
- Ayehualem Anteneh (M.S., Engineering Technology, Fall 2016~Spring 2018)
- Walter Keen (M.S., Engineering Technology, Fall 2016~Spring 2018)
- David Elliott (M.S., Engineering Technology, Fall 2016~Spring 2018)
- Christopher Secrest (B.S., Mechatronics Engineering), recipient of URECA grant, Spring 2017
- Joseph Beck (B.S., Mechatronics Engineering), recipient of URECA grant, Spring 2016. He is currently a Ph.D. student at UT Knoxville.