













Four Season Virtual Tree Trail

Station One - Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata


With its shaggy smoke-gray bark, the shagbark hickory is one of the most easily recognizable trees of the eastern forests.  A member of the Walnut family, it may grow to a height of 120 feet or more, and its trunk may be 20 to 30 inches in diameter.  It is found over much of the eastern United Sates.  Older trees may be up to 200 years old.

Habitat:  Shagbark hickories appear in a wide variety of habitats, from bottomland hardwoods to upland slopes such as this one.


Approaching Station One
  Shagbark Hickory Leaf

Identification:  Each leaf is composed of 5-7 leaflets.  The leaves are alternate, toothed and pinnately compound.  The leaves are smooth to lightly hairy above, and hairy below.  Total length of the leaves vary from 8 inches to 16 inches.  With a hand lens you can see fine hairs along the margins of the leaves (margins are ciliate), a characteristic that distinguishes Shagbark Hickories from all other hickories.  As the tree loses its leaves, you may be able to get a better look at the alternate branching on this species.  Although Hickories and Ashes have leaves that are similar, Hickories have alternate branching while Ashes have opposite branching.   You will get a chance to see the opposite branching of the ashes at Station Two.


Shagbark Hickory Bark

True to its name, the bark of the Shagbark Hickory is broken into shaggy scales that are attached to each other by their edges.  On large trees these scales can be over a foot long and six to eight inches wide.  The scales start to form when the tree's diameter is from 4 to eight inches.  Lichen is often seen on the scales, and on older trees the scales can be large enough that small animals can find shelter beneath them.  Some species of bats have been observed doing this, and treefrogs are said to use them as well.


  Shagbark Hickory Twig and Buds

The twigs of the Shagbark Hickory are stout and dark reddish brown with orange lenticels.  The terminal buds are 1/2 inch to 3/4 inches long.  The bud scales are imbricate.  Note the alternate pattern on the buds and leaf scars.  The leaf scars are heart-shaped.


Other Uses and Lore:  Hickory wood burns quite hot as firewood, and the fuel value of the wood is higher than any other American wood except locust.  The wood is also prized for smoking country hams and other meats.  General Andrew Jackson was nicknamed “Old Hickory” after one of his men said that he was “tough as hickory.”  Until a tornado destroyed them in 1998, six shagbark hickories stood as sentinels over Jackson’s grave at the Hermitage.



The Trail From Station One to Station Two

Old Life and New Life

From Station One the trail continues to climb until it turns to the left and crests the ridge.  There is a glade-like area here that is a good place to look for fossils on the exposed limestone faces.  Evidence of ancient marine life is all around you.  Just past this point, the trail splits and you will want to take the left fork.  The trail descends along the west side of the ridge.  Just a short distance after the fork in the trail, you will come to Station Two on the left side of the trail.



Webmaster: Amanda Sherlin
The Center for Environmental Education is a branch of the MTSU Biology Department
Web Design, Imaging and Recordings © 2008 Bob English, Leaps