PHIL 201 - Introduction to Philosophy - Fall 1999 - Bombardi

Course Outline
Part 1 (8/23 - 9/27)
  1. Ancient Philosophy
    1. Early Greek Thought (Sophie's World, pp. 3-61)
      1. Syllabus & Introductory  (8/23)
      2. The Presocratics  (8/25 & 8/27)
      3. Socrates & the Sophists  (8/30)
    2. Classical Greek Thought (Sophie's World, pp. 62-94)
      1. Plato  (9/1 & 9/3)
      2. Aristotle  (9/8 & 9/10)
    3. Hellenistic Thought (Sophie's World, pp. 93-108)
      1. The Epicureans  (9/13)
      2. The Stoics  (9/15)
      3. The Cynics & Skeptics  (9/17)
    4. Mediæval Thought (Sophie's World, pp. 116-145)
      1. The Semites  (9/20)
      2. Augustine of Hippo  (9/22)
      3. Thomas Aquinas  (9/24)
      4. ** Exercise #1 Due  (9/27)

Part 2 (9/29 - 11/15)
  1. Early Modern Philosophy
    1. The New Science (Sophie's World, pp. 146-190)
      1. Galileo  (9/29 & 10/1)
      2. Descartes  (10/4, 10/6, & 10/8)
      3. Hobbes  (10/11)
    2. Continental Rationalism (Sophie's World, pp. 191-197)
      1. Spinoza  (10/13 & 10/15)
      2. Leibniz  (10/18)
    3. British Empiricism (Sophie's World, pp. 198-205 & 217-232)
      1. Locke  (10/20)
      2. Berkeley  (10/25)
      3. ** Exercise #2 Due  (10/27)
    4. Hume (Sophie's World, pp. 206-216)
      1. The Origin of Ideas  (10/29)
      2. Causality & Induction  (11/1)
      3. Liberty & Necessitynbsp; (11/3)
    5. Kant (Sophie's World, pp. 233-262)
      1. A Copernican Revolution  (11/5 & 11/8)
      2. The Limits of Knowledge  (11/10 & 11/12)
      3. ** Exam #1 Due  (11/15)

Part 3 (11/17 - 12/10)
  1. Modern & Postmodern Philosophy
    1. Hegelian Idealism (Sophie's World, pp. 263-285)
      1. Reason & History  (11/17)
      2. The Logic of Self-Actualization  (11/19)
    2. Kierkegaard (Sophie's World, pp.286-295)
      1. Existentialism  (11/22)
      2. Three Ways of Life  (11/24)
    3. Marxist Materialism (Sophie's World, pp. 296-309)
      1. The Logic of Alienation  (11/29 & 12/1)
      2. Dialectical Materialism  (12/3)
    4. Two New Sciences (Sophie's World, pp. 310-342)
      1. Darwin  (12/6 & 12/8)
      2. Freud  (12/10)
      3. ** Exercise #3 Due  (12/8)
    5. Final Examination Period
      1. Section 01: Friday, 12/17, 9:30 - 11:30

Go to the Course Syllabus.