Strategic Plan continued

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Existing Business Outreach

Existing businesses are responsible for more than 86 percent of all new jobs created in Tennessee. As a result, conducting meetings with existing employers is a key aspect of the ECD's regional staff activity. ECD's regional staff will work with chambers of commerce and local and regional community development organizations throughout the region to cooperatively arrange meetings with large employers that have not been contacted by the governor or commissioner. These meetings will accomplish the following objectives: show appreciation to companies that do business in Tennessee, open a line of communication so that companies are comfortable reaching out to ECD with questions regarding state government (i.e., underscore ECD's position as a "one-stop-shop"), educate companies about state incentives and other forms of assistance that may be available, obtain feedback on state programs and initiatives, identify potential relocation/expansion opportunities, and provide ECD regional staff with deeper industry knowledge and understanding of future challenges and opportunities facing companies in the region.

In addition, ECD regional staff will also accompany the Film, Entertainment and Music Commission's (FEMC) staff and local partners as appropriate on several of its initial meetings with entertainment industry companies in the region. The commissioner will be working with FEMC's local partners in reaching out to gather information about the entertainment industry and identify possible expansion and relocation opportunities. The involvement of ECD's regional staff will facilitate a concerted effort to expand and relocate industry participants to the area at an accelerated pace.

A disciplined effort to call on existing businesses should boost the rate of expansion in the region by area businesses. Companies that understand available incentives and see the state as a partner in growth are more likely to invest in the region. Moreover, these businesses are key partners in the recruitment of their suppliers and customers to the region. Numerous business
leaders have noted that the seemingly simple act of the State calling on companies and maintaining an open dialogue also goes a long way in influencing corporate decisions about expansion.

next: Innovation

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Table of Contents
Existing businesses are responsible for more than 86 percent of all new jobs created in Tennessee. As a result, conducting meetings with existing employers is a key aspect of the ECD's regional staff activity.