Middle Tennessee Psychological Association
Spring Research Meeting
Middle Tennessee State University
April 29, 2000

8:00-8:15 AM Registration -- Lobby BAS*
8:15-9:00 AM Poster Session I -- Lobby BAS
9:10-9:55 AM Poster Session II -- Lobby BAS
10:00-11:00 AM Keynote Address -- State Farm Lecture Hall 
"Disappointing P.T. Barnum:  The Psychology Major as a Stimulus for Critical Thinking" 
   Dr. Douglas Bernstein 
   University of South Florida 
11:00-11:15 AM Break
11:15 AM-12:00 PM  Paper Session -- BAS 334 
12:05-12:50 PM Poster Session III -- Lobby BAS
1:00 PM Business Meeting -- Lobby BAS
*  All events take place in the Business and Aerospace Building (BAS) at MTSU.  Click for directions and local information.
MTPA thanks Glen Garrett of Houghton Mifflin for sponsoring the guest speaker.  MTPA also thanks Mark Francisco of Wadsworth/Thomson Learning for sponsoring the conference.  Thanks also to all of the faculty sponsors who supervised students in the research projects presented at the 2000 meeting.

Middle Tennessee Psychological Association
Spring 2000 Meeting
Send email to MTPA

Poster Session I -- 8:15 to 9:00 AM
Lobby BAS

#1  Identification and Reinforcement:  Choosing Celebrities as Role Models.  Kimberly M. Cabany.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#2  College Student Satisfaction as a Function of Self Concept and Perceived Family Cohesiveness.  Laquore J. Smith.  Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Elliott Hammer. 
#3  Does Studying Psychology Make You More Liberal?  A Comparative Survey of Psychology and Non-Psychology Graduates of Covenant College.  Laura Rodriguez, Sarah Paulk, Elizabeth Marr, Melissa J. Dyches, & Mallory Dean.  Covenant College.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Michael J. Rulon. 
#4  The Relationship Between Fee Payment and Perceptions of Successful Therapy.  Nathaniel Prentice Mills.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#5  A Qualitative Study of Multicultural Training in Counseling Psychology Programs in Tennessee.  Carol Hughes Gipson, M.A.  Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Michelle Thomas. 
#6  Going With the Flow.  Andrea Perry.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#7  How Close is Too Close?  Jennifer Neal, Ashley Williamson, & William Mann.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
#8  Judgments of Guilt:  The Effects of Stereotypes and Seriousness of Responses.  Crystal McGee, Julie Robinson, Anna Bracken, & Robyn Brown.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
#9  Shopper Discrimination.  Shona Burns, Kelly Nadjkovic, & Ashley Williams.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
#10  Back That Thang Up:  Territoriality and Parking Spaces.  Melody Haley, Kai-lin Garner, Troy Gilmore, April Allred, & Yvette Robie.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#11  Oh Canada or Happy Birthday:  Interpersonal Touch and the Pique Technique.  Breck Douglas & Heather Lanier.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#12  Persuasion via the Pique Technique:  Do We Get What We Ask For?  Chip Baker, Heather Coghlan, Christopher Jaco, Kathryn Keels, & Andrea Wideman.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
#13  Persuasion via the Pique Technique:  The Stronger the Better?  Lori Bland & Molly McPeak.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
#14  Persuasion via the Pique Technique:  Increasing Interest in Free Services.  Melissa Lawson, Kelly LeBel, & Brian Roberts.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
#15  The Role of Maternal Instinct in Female Territoriality:  Where's Junior?  Peggy Beasley, Michelle Head, Christina Merrill, & Charmaine Woods.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
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Poster Session II -- 9:10 to 9:55 AM
Lobby BAS

#1  The Effects of a Need for Approval and Socially Desirable Instructions on a Visual Search Task.  Joshua Petersen.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie Yandell, Ph. D. 
#2  How False Memory Recall is Influenced by Color Distinctiveness.  Tori L. Baker, Sara D. Nichols, & Stephen R. Schmidt.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stephen R. Schmidt. 
#3  Through Rose-Colored Glasses.  Patricia Parker.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#4  The Effect of Aromatherapy on Math Performance.  Ginger Johnston, Christy Anderson, & Terri McMillin.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
#5  The Effect of Hand Gesturing on Free Recall.  Chad Hughes & Dawn Little.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#6  The Effect of Violating Orientational Metaphors on Reading Time.  Leigh Anne Dempsey.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#7  Peer Religion Effects on the Intergenerational Transmission of Religious Affiliation.  Erin E. Gowan.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#8  Religious Involvement, Well-Being, and Mortality Salience.  Marianne D. Bush.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#9  Time Perspectives in Worship Services.  Carlos Canales Julca & Elizabeth Marr.  Covenant College.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Michael J. Rulon. 
#10  Racial Differences in Religious Participation and Its Effect on Emotional Well-Being.  Ruthea Walker.  Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Peter Millet, Ph.D. 
#11  Attitudes Toward Marriage and Motherhood for Women With and Without Down Syndrome.  Jean M. Anderson.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Mary Ellen Fromuth. 
#12  The Mask of Divorce.  Angela Moffitt.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#13  The Effect of Parental Marital Status on Married and Single Students' Expectations for Marriage and Divorce.  Angie Perkey & Michelle Boyer-Pennington.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Michelle Boyer-Pennington.
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Paper Session -- 11:15 AM to 12:00 PM
334 BAS

11:15  Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction.  Biljana Khan.  Trevecca Nazarene University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Terry Pruitt. 
11:30  The Effect of Stereotype Primes on Attributions of Responsibility of Stereotyped Group Members.  Natasha D. Watkins.  Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Elliott Hammer. 
11:45  Leader Behavior and Job Satisfaction as Perceived by Working Adults.  Biljana Khan.  Trevecca Nazarene University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Randy Carden.
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Poster Session III -- 12:05 to 12:50 PM
Lobby BAS

#1  The Stress of Pet Ownership.  Anna Thacker & Scott Hennessee.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#2  A Component Analysis of Stress Coping Interventions.  Jill Perrin.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Kimberly Ujcich. 
#3  The Effects of College Stress on the Positive and Negative Dimensions of Relationships.  Tiffany Wilson.  Western Kentucky University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Jacqueline Pope-Tarrence. 
#4  Who Deserves to Be Punished for Actions They May Not Be Able to Control?  Deborah Owen.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#5  The Relationship Between Death Anxiety and Terror Management to Optimism.  Melissa Foster.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#6  Depressed?  Take Control.  Eric Gauen & George Carlson.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#7  Positive and Negative Perfectionism:  Relationships to Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Behavior.  Rose Brummett.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie Yandell, Ph. D. 
#8  A Qualitative Study:  Interviewing the Experts on Positive Coping in Relation to Resiliency and Emotional Intelligence.  Tamela Sandler.  Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Michelle Thomas. 
#9  Male and Female Perceptions of Desirable Male Body Shape.  Eva Smejkal-Smith, Chris C. Newton, LeVaun Kelley, Frederick C. Grieve, & Cheryl Ludwig.  Austin Peay State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Frederick C. Grieve. 
#10  Gender Differences Among College Students' Drinking Habits in Relation to Peer Pressure, Parental Alcohol Abuse, and Self-Esteem.  Amy Lynn Hill.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#11  Automobile Repair Costs and Gender Discrimination.  Christine Roberts, April Goodman, & Randy Word.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
#12  Reciprocity in Greeting Behaviors Across Genders.  Andrea Perry, Amy Hill, Marianne Bush, Kari Davis, & Erin Gowan.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. 
#13  The Effects of Gender, Mood, and Perspective-Taking on Empathy-Induced Altruism.  Kari Davis.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt.
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