8:00-8:15 AM | Registration -- Lobby BAS* |
8:15-9:00 AM | Poster Session I -- Lobby BAS |
9:10-9:55 AM | Poster Session II -- Lobby BAS |
10:00-11:00 AM | Keynote Address -- State Farm Lecture Hall
"Disappointing P.T. Barnum: The Psychology Major as a Stimulus for Critical Thinking" Dr. Douglas Bernstein University of South Florida |
11:00-11:15 AM | Break |
11:15 AM-12:00 PM | Paper Session -- BAS 334 |
12:05-12:50 PM | Poster Session III -- Lobby BAS |
1:00 PM | Business Meeting -- Lobby BAS |
#1 Identification and Reinforcement: Choosing
as Role Models. Kimberly M. Cabany. Middle Tennessee
University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M.
Brinthaupt. #2 College Student Satisfaction as a Function of Self Concept and Perceived Family Cohesiveness. Laquore J. Smith. Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Elliott Hammer. #3 Does Studying Psychology Make You More Liberal? A Comparative Survey of Psychology and Non-Psychology Graduates of Covenant College. Laura Rodriguez, Sarah Paulk, Elizabeth Marr, Melissa J. Dyches, & Mallory Dean. Covenant College. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Michael J. Rulon. #4 The Relationship Between Fee Payment and Perceptions of Successful Therapy. Nathaniel Prentice Mills. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. #5 A Qualitative Study of Multicultural Training in Counseling Psychology Programs in Tennessee. Carol Hughes Gipson, M.A. Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Michelle Thomas. #6 Going With the Flow. Andrea Perry. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. #7 How Close is Too Close? Jennifer Neal, Ashley Williamson, & William Mann. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Stuart Bernstein. #8 Judgments of Guilt: The Effects of Stereotypes and Seriousness of Responses. Crystal McGee, Julie Robinson, Anna Bracken, & Robyn Brown. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Stuart Bernstein. #9 Shopper Discrimination. Shona Burns, Kelly Nadjkovic, & Ashley Williams. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Stuart Bernstein. #10 Back That Thang Up: Territoriality and Parking Spaces. Melody Haley, Kai-lin Garner, Troy Gilmore, April Allred, & Yvette Robie. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. William Langston. #11 Oh Canada or Happy Birthday: Interpersonal Touch and the Pique Technique. Breck Douglas & Heather Lanier. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. William Langston. #12 Persuasion via the Pique Technique: Do We Get What We Ask For? Chip Baker, Heather Coghlan, Christopher Jaco, Kathryn Keels, & Andrea Wideman. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. John Pennington. #13 Persuasion via the Pique Technique: The Stronger the Better? Lori Bland & Molly McPeak. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. John Pennington. #14 Persuasion via the Pique Technique: Increasing Interest in Free Services. Melissa Lawson, Kelly LeBel, & Brian Roberts. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. John Pennington. #15 The Role of Maternal Instinct in Female Territoriality: Where's Junior? Peggy Beasley, Michelle Head, Christina Merrill, & Charmaine Woods. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. John Pennington. |
#1 The Effects of a Need for Approval and Socially
Instructions on a Visual Search Task. Joshua Petersen.
Belmont University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Lonnie Yandell,
D. #2 How False Memory Recall is Influenced by Color Distinctiveness. Tori L. Baker, Sara D. Nichols, & Stephen R. Schmidt. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Stephen R. Schmidt. #3 Through Rose-Colored Glasses. Patricia Parker. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. #4 The Effect of Aromatherapy on Math Performance. Ginger Johnston, Christy Anderson, & Terri McMillin. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Stuart Bernstein. #5 The Effect of Hand Gesturing on Free Recall. Chad Hughes & Dawn Little. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. William Langston. #6 The Effect of Violating Orientational Metaphors on Reading Time. Leigh Anne Dempsey. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. William Langston. #7 Peer Religion Effects on the Intergenerational Transmission of Religious Affiliation. Erin E. Gowan. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. #8 Religious Involvement, Well-Being, and Mortality Salience. Marianne D. Bush. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. #9 Time Perspectives in Worship Services. Carlos Canales Julca & Elizabeth Marr. Covenant College. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Michael J. Rulon. #10 Racial Differences in Religious Participation and Its Effect on Emotional Well-Being. Ruthea Walker. Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Peter Millet, Ph.D. #11 Attitudes Toward Marriage and Motherhood for Women With and Without Down Syndrome. Jean M. Anderson. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Mary Ellen Fromuth. #12 The Mask of Divorce. Angela Moffitt. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. #13 The Effect of Parental Marital Status on Married and Single Students' Expectations for Marriage and Divorce. Angie Perkey & Michelle Boyer-Pennington. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Michelle Boyer-Pennington. |
11:15 Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction.
Khan. Trevecca Nazarene University. Faculty Sponsor:
Dr. Terry Pruitt. 11:30 The Effect of Stereotype Primes on Attributions of Responsibility of Stereotyped Group Members. Natasha D. Watkins. Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Elliott Hammer. 11:45 Leader Behavior and Job Satisfaction as Perceived by Working Adults. Biljana Khan. Trevecca Nazarene University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Randy Carden. |
#1 The Stress of Pet Ownership. Anna
Thacker &
Scott Hennessee. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty
Sponsor: Dr. William Langston. #2 A Component Analysis of Stress Coping Interventions. Jill Perrin. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Kimberly Ujcich. #3 The Effects of College Stress on the Positive and Negative Dimensions of Relationships. Tiffany Wilson. Western Kentucky University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Jacqueline Pope-Tarrence. #4 Who Deserves to Be Punished for Actions They May Not Be Able to Control? Deborah Owen. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. #5 The Relationship Between Death Anxiety and Terror Management to Optimism. Melissa Foster. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. #6 Depressed? Take Control. Eric Gauen & George Carlson. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. William Langston. #7 Positive and Negative Perfectionism: Relationships to Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Behavior. Rose Brummett. Belmont University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Lonnie Yandell, Ph. D. #8 A Qualitative Study: Interviewing the Experts on Positive Coping in Relation to Resiliency and Emotional Intelligence. Tamela Sandler. Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Michelle Thomas. #9 Male and Female Perceptions of Desirable Male Body Shape. Eva Smejkal-Smith, Chris C. Newton, LeVaun Kelley, Frederick C. Grieve, & Cheryl Ludwig. Austin Peay State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Frederick C. Grieve. #10 Gender Differences Among College Students' Drinking Habits in Relation to Peer Pressure, Parental Alcohol Abuse, and Self-Esteem. Amy Lynn Hill. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. #11 Automobile Repair Costs and Gender Discrimination. Christine Roberts, April Goodman, & Randy Word. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Stuart Bernstein. #12 Reciprocity in Greeting Behaviors Across Genders. Andrea Perry, Amy Hill, Marianne Bush, Kari Davis, & Erin Gowan. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. #13 The Effects of Gender, Mood, and Perspective-Taking on Empathy-Induced Altruism. Kari Davis. Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Thomas M. Brinthaupt. |