Middle Tennessee Psychological Association
Spring Research Meeting
Middle Tennessee State University
April 28, 2001

8:00-8:15 AM Registration -- Lobby BAS*
8:15-9:00 AM Poster Session I -- Lobby BAS
9:10-9:55 AM Poster Session II -- Lobby BAS
10:00-11:00 AM Keynote Address -- State Farm Lecture Hall 
"How the Mind Hurts and Heals the Body -- the Revolutionary New Science of Psychoendoneuroimmunology" 
   Dr. Oakley Ray 
   Vanderbilt University 
11:00-11:15 AM Break
11:15 AM-12:00 PM  Paper Sessions (Four Concurrent Sessions) -- BAS 270, 272, 274, & 275  
12:05-12:50 PM Poster Session III -- Lobby BAS
1:00 PM Business Meeting -- Lobby BAS
*  All official events take place in the Business and Aerospace Building (BAS) at MTSU.  Click for directions and local information.
MTPA thanks all of the faculty sponsors who supervised students in the research projects presented at the 2001 meeting.  We would also like to thank Ken Guerin of McGraw Hill and Mark Francisco of Wadsworth/Thomson Learning for sponsoring the conference.
How to cite your MTPA presentation on your vita:  (Note:  A new Publication Manual is coming out soon, so be sure to check for new rules.)
Format Sample Conference Example
Oral reports Lastname, I. I., & Lastname, I.  (2001, April).  Title.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Middle Tennessee Psychological Association, Murfreesboro, TN. Flory, A.  (2001, April).  The Relationship Between Self Monitoring and Awareness in Romantic Dating Relationships.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Middle Tennessee Psychological Association, Murfreesboro, TN.
Posters Lastname, I. I., & Lastname, I.  (2001, April).  Title.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Middle Tennessee Psychological Association, Murfreesboro, TN. Rushing, R.  (2001, April).  The Relationship Between Family and Traditional Day Care and Toddlers' Receptive and Productive Language Development.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Middle Tennessee Psychological Association, Murfreesboro, TN.

Middle Tennessee Psychological Association
Spring 2001 Meeting
Send email to MTPA

Poster Session I -- 8:15 to 9:00 AM
Lobby BAS

#1  The Relationship Between Family and Traditional Day Care and Toddlers' Receptive and Productive Language Development.  Robin Rushing.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Michelle Boyer-Pennington. 
#2  Effects of Cell Phone Use on Concentration.  Keith Heyboer, Kristin Childress, & Natsuko Tatsuta.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
#3  Music and Memory.  Dustin Brown, Katty Connelly, Mark Nicks, & Stephanie Styll.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
#4  Spelling Errors by Children with Dyslexia.  Susan Usery.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
#5  Interference of Bipartisan Words in the Stroop Effect.  Leslie Peck & Amber Hennessy.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#6  Gesturing and Word Recall.  Kelly Harris & Briana Bailey.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#7  The Effects of Hand Gestures on Humorous Communication.  Laura Barnes & Charmaine Woods.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
#8  Met-O-4-ically Spaced Out.  Jonathan Glover, Gerardo Blanco, Francis Hennessy, Rosemary King, & Andrea Quinton.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#9  I Can’t Think When I'm Sitting On My Hands.  Sarah Scrivener, Shannon Aplin, Ereke Bruce, Jesica Richerson, & Kelly Allison.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#10  Personality Differences in Communicative Gestures.  Tara Appleton & Kari Davis.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
#11  Spatial Strategies in Comprehension.  Tashauna Buchanan.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#12  The Effect of Self Monitoring on “Leaking” Behavior.  Nathaniel Mills & Dylan Kennedy.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington.
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Poster Session II -- 9:10 to 9:55 AM
Lobby BAS

#1  Attractiveness & Workout.  Ashlee  Blanks, Brian Campbell, Stephanie Collier, & Holly Rittenberry.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
#2  Gender Differences in Risk Perception.  Bobby Bruton, Serah Mitchell, Suzanne Williams, & Chris Wheeler.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
#3  I'll Do Better Next Time:  Examining  Factors Underlying Habitual Academic Optimism.  Jeffrey Kuban.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
#4  Can You Help Me Please?  Cheyann Videon & Jennifer Hutson.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#5  Out of the Nest:  Religiosity Over TIme.  Chad Hughes.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Thomas Brinthaupt. 
#6  Social Desirability and the TEOSQ.  Raymond Miller & Shannon Predovic.  Austin Peay State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Frederick Grieve. 
#7  Grade Inflation Expectations at MTSU.  Jessica Oldham & Sean Little.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#8  Compliance with Requests in the Computer Lab.  Waunasha Hairston, Jennifer Mays, & Laura North.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#9  People Are Not Territorial in the Parking Lot at Night.  Ryan Sanders & Amber Clark.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#10  Is Territoriality Instinctive?  The Behavior of Children on Playground Slides.  Jennifer Hood & Julie Robinson.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
#11  Is There Always a Relationship Between Type A Personality and Perfectionism?  Robert Parker, Joseph Dunkleman, Lisa Aven, David Shetler, Whitney Johnson, & Rhiannon Thomas.  Lipscomb University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Paul E. Turner.
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Paper Session 1 -- 11:15 AM to 12:00 PM
BAS 270

11:15  The Relationship Between Self Monitoring and Awareness in Romantic Dating Relationships.  Alissa Flory.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie R. Yandell. 
11:30  Testing the Three Leading Theories of Social Facilitation.  Eric Gauen.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
11:45  Perfectionism:  Relationships to Personal Responsibility and Achievement Striving.  Rose Brummett & Jacquelyn Pennings.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William N. Bailey.
Paper Session 2 -- 11:15 AM to 12:00 PM
BAS 272

11:15  The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Conformity.  Danielle Taylor.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie R. Yandell. 
11:30  Political Stereotype Violations.  Randy Word.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Tom Brinthaupt. 
11:45  The Relationship Between Racial Views and Crime Sentencing.  Meghan M. Kibler.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie R. Yandell.
Paper Session 3 -- 11:15 AM to 12:00 PM
BAS 274

11:15 The Perception of Self-Confidence Within Individuals.  Marsha G. Zurawicki.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie R. Yandell. 
11:30  The Relationships Among Procrastination, Low Self-Efficacy, and the Inability to Delay Gratification.  Luther C. Tanley.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie R. Yandell. 
11:45  The Effects of Gender, Marital Status, Race, and Citizenship on the Tenure Status of Junior College Faculty.  Akari Yamagami.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Dana Fuller.
Paper Session 4 -- 11:15 AM to 12:00 PM
BAS 275

11:15  Developing a Psychology Statistics Lab Manual:  Attitudes Towards Statistics.  Rose Brummett & Joshua Peterson.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie R. Yandell. 
11:30  Do “You Know” What I Mean?:  Evaluating the Perceptions of Tag Questions.  Ashley E. Lovell.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie R. Yandell. 
11:45  It Can Happen to You:  How to Increase Smokers' Sense of Health Vulnerability.  Jared Thompson & Dustin Thoman.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington.
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Poster Session III -- 12:05 to 12:50 PM
Lobby BAS

#1  Initial Construction and Psychometric Testing of a Homophobia Scale.  Antonia Edwards, Sharlet Anderson, & Amy Yerka.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Chris Tate. 
#2  Internalized Homophobia Among Young Gay Males.  Laura Strain.  Western Kentucky University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Bruni. 
#3  Eating Attitudes and Behaviors of Female Team Athletes.  Ginger Hannah.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Kimberly Ujcich. 
#4  Variables Predicting Dropout From A Child Abuse Prevention Group Parent Training Program.  Heather Watkins.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Kimberly Ujcich. 
#5  The Effects of Pet Ownership on Stress.  Jennifer Pryor.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#6  The Influence of Television Programming on the Perception of Relationship Satisfaction.  Kenneth R. Olney & Crystal T. Henson.  Austin Peay State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Frederick Grieve. 
#7  Does a Green Environment Cause Inward Looking?  Sepra Pratt & Elizabeth Reed.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#8  Mood and Memory.  Merri Austin & Noah Moot.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
#9  Effects of Performance Anxiety on Perceptions of Performance and Participation within Collaborative Work-Groups.  Brenda Peery.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie R. Yandell. 
#10  Affinity for Fat in Restrained and Unrestrained Eaters.  Shereen Haj-Hassan.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie R. Yandell. 
#11  Campus Safety.  Daniel Ortega, August VanderWerff, Sholanda Grant, & Katrina Bratcher.  Western Kentucky University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Bruni.
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