8:00-8:30 AM | Registration -- Lobby BAS* |
8:30-9:15 AM | Poster Session I -- Lobby BAS |
9:30-10:30 AM | Keynote Address -- Learning Resources
Center room 221 The Biology of Ethical Behavior Dr. Michael Gazzaniga UC Santa Barbara |
10:30-10:45 AM | Break |
10:45-11:30 AM | Oral
Presentations |
11:35 AM-12:20 PM | Poster Session II -- Lobby BAS |
12:30-1:00 PM | Business Meeting -- Lobby BAS |
Sample | Conference Example |
Lastname, I. I., & Lastname, I. (2007, April). Title. Paper/poster presented at the annual meeting of the Middle Tennessee Psychological Association, Murfreesboro, TN. | Mozingo, M., & Matteson, C. (2007, April). Problem drinking behaviors and memory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Middle Tennessee Psychological Association, Murfreesboro, TN. |
Problem Drinking Behaviors
and Memory Megan Mozingo and Chelsea Matteson (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University Can Principles of Embodied Cognition Be Used to Increase the Persuasiveness of a Message? Eric Fields and Kevin Martin (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University Personality of an E-mail Forwarder Suzanne Hicks, Laura Ferebee, and Brandon Black (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University Maladaptive Eating in Preadolescent Girls: Behavior, Attitudes, and Knowledge Mindy Smith and Kimberly Ujcich-Ward (Kimberly Ujcich-Ward) Middle Tennessee State University Moral Tendencies and Self-Efficacy in Determining Personality Types Joshua Gallaher and Linda Dunn (Linda Dunn) Middle Tennessee State University The Development of Audience Awareness in Early Writers Michael Neal and Nancy Bertrand (Jim Rust) Middle Tennessee State University Conflict and Conflict Resolution Strategies in Married Students from Intact and Divorced Homes Amy Eagan (Michelle Boyer-Pennington) Middle Tennessee State University Increasing Independent Seatwork for a Second Grade Student in a General Education Classroom Natalie Hodges (Monica Wallace) Middle Tennessee State University Habit Behaviors and Trichotillomania: Occurrence and Perceptions by College Students Jillian Moreland and Kimberly Ujcich-Ward (Kimberly Ujcich-Ward) Middle Tennessee State University Parental Loss and Separation: Influence on Psychosocial Development Larry Winslow, Joy Pollard, and Dennis Papini (Dennis Papini) Middle Tennessee State University Neighboring Sound Perception in Developing Readers Leah Loiseau and Stuart Bernstein (Stuart Bernstein) Middle Tennessee State University Social Adjustment and Happiness in Military College Students and Non-Military College Students Angela Gastley, Linda Dunn, and Heather Brown-Smith (Linda Dunn) Middle Tennessee State University Daytime Parking Lot Behavior at MTSU Kelly Fries and Mary Hatcher (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University The Effects of Coloring and Relaxation on Stress Riki-Lynne Spence and Ryan Buehring (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University The Effect of Heavy Music and Frustration on Aggression Justin Higgs and Jennifer Jelliff (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University Adult Learning and Information Retention Blair Lankster, Nauzie Karami, and Heidi Hensley (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University |
1: BAS S275 10:45
Effect of Voluntary Exercise and Restraint Stress on Learning and
Emotionality in Sprague-Dawley Rats
Allison Boger, Jacqueline Sabella, Jessica Vaughan, Alexander Green, and Lynne Trench (Lynne Trench) Birmingham-Southern College 11:00 Attractiveness and Muscularity in Body Satisfaction Heather Fazekas, Ellie Cundiff, Nicole Revell, Christy Weller, and Alana O'Bryan (Fredrick Grieve) Western Kentucky University Session 2: BAS S118 10:45
Does Exercise Affect Food Cravings?
Benjamin Rogers (Fredrick Grieve) Western Kentucky University 11:00 Subconscious vs. Conscious Goal Setting and the Effects of a Distracter Task on Performance Eric Havens, Brian Barkley, and Courtney Ledford (Thomas Brinthaupt) Middle Tennessee State University 11:15 Territoriality Space Among Student Athletes Quanshell Scott (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University Session 3: BAS S126 10:45
Will the Presentation of False Percentages Cause Participants to Change
Their Estimates of the Frequency of Behaviors?
Alicia Hardemon, William Mathison, and LaToya Murphy (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University 11:00 The Differences of Jealousy Expressions and Attachment Style Between Men and Women Cayce Perkins and Jennifer Williams (Thomas Brinthaupt) Middle Tennessee State University 11:15 The Effects of Media Exposure on Body Esteem and Sexual Desire Liza Pugliese and Heather Meggers (Heather Meggers) Birmingham-Southern College 10:45
The Influenece of Experimenter Attractiveness on Female Body Image
Lacey Uhler and Jackie Hayes (Thomas Brinthaupt) Middle Tennessee State University 11:00 Confirming the Unconfirmable: How Horoscopes Affect Your Life Paula Sasser, Timothy Claytor, and Brianne Norris (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University 11:15 Apples to Attitudes: Search for the Barnum Effect Jodi Heavner and Jenna Shapiro (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University |
The Impact of Psychological
Birth Order on Client and Therapist Relationships Heather Knox, M.H.A. and Wendy Jordanov, Ph.D. (Wendy Jordanov) Tennessee State University College Students With Older Siblings With Behavior Disorders Luke Somerfield, Ellen Pitts, Michelle Shires, and Kamilah Johnson (Linda Dunn) Middle Tennessee State University Employment Readiness Kristina Walling (John Dossett) Tennessee State University Studying Psychological Disorders from an Empathetic Perspective Emmeline Cook, M.S. and Wendy Jordanov, Ph.D. (Wendy Jordanov) Tennessee State University The Development of Leadership Skills through Community Service Courtney Crutchfield, M.A., Kimberly Davis, M.A., and Wendy Jordanov, Ph.D. (Wendy Jordanov) Tennessee State University Evaluating DEOMI Melissa Long and John Stephens (Stephen Truhon) Austin Peay State University Relatedness of Maternal Age and Birth Order with the Severity of Symptoms in Children with Autism Brooke Horton, Ryan Barry, and Ingrid Hopkins (Ingrid Hopkins) University of Alabama at Birmingham The Effects of Verbal Cues on Food Consumption Jenny Davis, Paul Narcisse, Sabrina Cosey, Rachel Morgan, Alex Starr, Kim Sturdivant, and Dr. Cheryl Bowers (Cheryl Bowers) Lambuth University Examining the Relationship Between Muscle Dysmorphia and Predictors of Body Satisfaction, Body Mass Index, Body Preoccupation, and Drive for Muscularity in a College Sample Lisa Lorenzen (Wendy Jordanov) Tennessee State University Fake Bake for Self-Esteem Sake Brian Barkley, Cayce Perkins, Jackie Hayes, Lacey Uhler, Jennifer Williams (Thomas, Brinthaupt) Middle Tennessee State University Does Appearance and Production Effort Affect the Taste of Tea? Andrea Buzza and Eric Fields (John Pennington) Middle Tennessee State University Effects of Uniform Authority Cues on Public Compliance Michael Campbell and Rachel Green (John Pennington) Middle Tennessee State University Do Laugh Tracks Really Work? An Experimental Investigation Rhylon Durham and Cory Faulkner (John Pennington) Middle Tennessee State University Does Appearance Information Alter the Taste of Candy? Travis Dedmon and William Harper (John Pennington) Middle Tennessee State University SES and SEX Dan Mahlon and Rachel Troglen (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University The Effect of Physical Activity on Social Interaction Catherine Chester and Tyler Willmon (William Langston) Middle Tennessee State University |