The Healthcare Debate
Editor's Note
by Horace Johns
Americans Have a Right to Review Any Healthcare Bill before Congress Acts
by Lamar Alexander, senior U.S. senator from Tennessee and chair of the Senate Republican Conference
The final version of the legislation should be posted on the Internet for at least 72 hours so that anybody who wants to can read the bill. [more]
Legislative Report: Healthcare Reform
by Marsha Blackburn, representing Tennessee's 7th district in the U.S. House of Representatives
Before Thanksgiving, H.R. 3200 and the Baucus Bill will reach the floor of the House and Senate, respectively, where they will be vigorously debated and are ultimately likely to pass. [more]
Do No Harm
by Bob Corker, representing Tennessee in the U.S. Senate
- The mission of Congress and the Obama administration should be the same as a doctor treating a patient: do no harm.
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TennCare Truths Need to Be Told
by Tony Garr, executive director, Tennessee Health Care Campaign
- Neither TennCare nor private insurance is perfect. TennCare needs to be expanded to cover 300,000 poor working people and private insurance needs to stop denying coverage and benefits to a similar number of people. [more]
Reforming the U.S. Healthcare System
by Bart Gordon, representing Tennessee's 6th district in the U.S. House of Representatives
I have heard from countless Tennesseans who have said they simply can't keep up with the rising costs of health insurance. In Tennessee alone, insurance costs have risen 129% for small businesses since 2000, forcing many to cut benefits or stop offering coverage for employees. [more]
Survey Demonstrates Success of Improvements to TennCare
by Darin Gordon, director, TennCare Bureau, and deputy commissioner, Department of Finance and Administration
- A TennCare recipient satisfaction survey reported that 92 percent of enrollees were either "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with their healthcare coverage. [more]
The Public Option versus Single-Payer Healthcare
by Nell Levin, coordinator, Tennessee Alliance for Progress
Single-payer healthcare would eliminate wasteful administrative costs (advertising, marketing, product development, redundant corporate bureaucracies, outrageous CEO salaries and bonuses, and the need for government programs such as SCHIP, Medicare, and Medicaid) because everyone would be covered. [more]
Tennesseans Focused on How to Keep What Works, Fix What's Broken in Healthcare System
by John Tanner, representing Tennessee's 8th Congressional District
The Blue Dogs, which I helped found, were instrumental in getting Congressional leaders to hold off a vote on any of the healthcare reform bills. [more]
Personal Reasons for Not Supporting Government-Run Healthcare
by Jim Burton, dean, Jones College of Business, MTSU
- I am pleased that the emergency care I needed did not have to wait on a ruling from some government czar. [more]
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