














Four Season Virtual Tree Trail

Station Two - White Ash

Fraxinus americana


The White Ash is the largest of all of the ashes, and a common hardwood in the eastern United States.  It is a member of the Olive family.  Trees seventy to eighty feet high are fairly common, but it has occasionally reached up to one hundred and twenty five feet in height and six feet in diameter.

Habitat:  White Ashes appear in a wide variety of habitats, from bottomlands to upland slopes such as this one.


Approaching Station Two
  White Ash Leaf

Identification:  Each leaf is composed of 5-9 leaflets.  The leaves are pinnately compound, opposite and have a total length between 8 and 12 inches.  The leaves are paler below and lightly hairy.  The White Ash leaflets are entire below the midpoint of the leaflet.  Compare the leaflet shape with that of the Shagbark Hickory.  Note that the White Ash leaflets are stalked, unlike the leaflets of the Shagbark Hickory.  The White Ash leaves and branches are  opposite, whereas the Shagbark Hickory leaves and branches are alternate.   

White Ash Bark

The bark of the White Ash is gray-brown, thick, and is deeply furrowed with a distinctive diamond-shaped pattern of ridges.  This is a good identification characteristic in all seasons for this tree. 








  White Ash Female Flowers
  White Ash Male Flowers


This species is dioecious ("two houses") so that male and female flowers are bourn on separate trees.   The White Ash at Station 3 is female and you can spot the clusters of female flowers in late March and early April.  There are several trees that bear male flowers on the right side of the trail just before Station Three, where the trail makes a sharp hairpin turn to the left.  They appear at the same time as the female flowers do at the Station tree.   These flowers can be pretty high in the tree so a pair of binoculars can be beneficial for seeing the details.  

Other Uses and Lore:  Although not as strong as hickory, the wood has a good combination of strength and lightness.  It is much used for the "D" handles of shovels and spades, and is the wood of choice for oars and baseball bats.





The Trail From Station Two to Station Three

May Apple Foliage

From Station Two, the trail continues a long descent down to the West Fork of the Stones River.  Before you leave the vicinity of Station Two, you may want to look at some of the young ashes along the trail  Some of these, the ones that have 4-sided twigs (square in cross section) are Blue Ashes.  You will learn more about Blue Ashes at Station Eight.   Look for May Apples along the trail on the way to Station Three.  The station will be on the left side of the trail.



Webmaster: Amanda Sherlin
The Center for Environmental Education is a branch of the MTSU Biology Department
Web Design, Imaging and Recordings © 2008 Bob English, Leaps