Middle Tennessee Psychological Association
Spring Research Meeting
Middle Tennessee State University
April 22, 2006

8:00-8:30 AM Registration -- Lobby BAS*
8:30-9:15 AM Poster Session I -- Lobby BAS
9:30-10:30 AM Keynote Address -- State Farm Lecture Hall 
Distinguishing Science from Pseudoscience in Mental Health Practice: Challenges, Problems, and Remedies
   Dr. Scott Lilienfeld
   Emory University 
10:30-10:45 AM Break
10:45-11:30 AM  Oral Presentations
11:35 AM-12:20 PM Poster Session II -- Lobby BAS
12:30-1:00 PM Business Meeting -- Lobby BAS
*  All official events take place in the Business and Aerospace Building (BAS) at MTSU.  Click for directions and local information.
MTPA 2006 was funded in part by a grant from Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology (www.psichi.org).
MTPA thanks Mark Francisco--Thompson, Newt Cannon--Worth, Wendy Mears--Houghton Mifflin, Evelyne Forte -- Prentice Hall, and Eric Dangerfield--Allyn & Bacon Longman for their generous support of the conference. MTPA also acknowledges the faculty sponsors for their dedication to student research.
How to cite your MTPA presentation on your vita:  
Sample Conference Example
Lastname, I. I., & Lastname, I.  (2006, April).  Title.  Paper/poster presented at the annual meeting of the Middle Tennessee Psychological Association, Murfreesboro, TN. Farmer, K., & Hodges, A. (2006, April). Pet attitudes and college stress. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Middle Tennessee Psychological Association, Murfreesboro, TN.
Middle Tennessee Psychological Association
Spring 2006 Meeting
Send email to MTPA

Poster Session I -- 8:30 to 9:15 AM Lobby BAS 
Comparing high achieving students based on prior enrollment in a high school advanced placement course
Trina Thompson (James Rust)
Middle Tennessee State University

Testing the automaticity of word recognition using low frequency words
Erin Gowan (Stuart Bernstein)
Middle Tennessee State University

Validating the developmental assessment of young children
Alicia Lankford (James Rust)
Middle Tennessee State University

Levels of physiological arousal caused by colors
Amy Wright and Katinna Oskian (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

The relationship between pets and stress in a non-college population
Brittany Bunch and Julie Harris (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University
Parental behaviors and gender: Moderators of the effects of divorce on identity?
Marsha Wallace and Dennis Papini (Dennis Papini)
Middle Tennessee State University

The relationship between students' effort and expected grades
Mary Carroll Sneed and Michael Brownlee (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

Scared straight? Evaluation apprehension and personality effects on a coordination task
Faith Cheyne, Jeremy Johnson, Luke Paschall, and Amy Thamert (John Pennington)
Middle Tennessee State University

Time’s up! Interactive effects of audience and distraction on maze completion
Jeanne Anne Fowler, Elizabeth Hendricks, Michael Laneville, and Amanda McClure (John Pennington)
Middle Tennessee State University

Relation of body image satisfaction to physical fitness levels in young children
Jamie Thorup, Laura Jackson, Stephanie Drake, Chelsea Doyle, Laura Hopper, and Katy Fuqua (Tom Brinthaupt)
Middle Tennessee State University

The correlation between pet attitude and perceived stress among college students
Megan Turner, Lindsey Crim, and Amanda Kirby (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

Mood matters: Induced mood and person perception
Courtney Ledford, Brandon Graves, and Javon Simmons (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

Gestures and memory retrieval
Jennifer Jelliff and Marcia Mullins (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University
Interrupting mindless refusal
Daniel Fly and Christopher Harris (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

Can the tarot accurately predict the future?
Kevin Pedigo (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University
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Oral Presentations -- 10:45 to 11:30 AM 
Session 1: BAS S126

10:45 The effects of equine assisted therapy on clients’ motivation for drug/alcohol abuse therapy
Kelly Allen (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

11:00 Measuring willingness to help using the lost letter technique
Victoria Gabbard, Stephanie Frey, and Mitch Rock (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

11:15 Risky business: Attitudes toward cohabitation and divorce risk factors of college students
Michelle Smith, Jayna Dotson, and Jessica DeVois (Kim Ujcich-Ward)
Middle Tennessee State University

Session 2: BAS S128

10:45 Seeing is believing: The effect of an event on beliefs
Ashley Briggs and Cathy Hudson (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

11:00 What influences body satisfaction in women? The effects of media exposure and personality
Keisha Bell and April Richardson (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

Session 3: BAS S260

10:45 How college students cope with life stress
Deidre Gastenveld, Stephanie Terrell, and Joshua Willhite (Jinni Leigh Blalack)
Union University                     

11:00 Pet attitudes and college stress
Kristina Farmer and Anna Hodges (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University
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Poster Session II -- 11:35 AM to 12:20 PM Lobby BAS 
An exploration of the relationship between grade inflation and source of funding for MTSU students
Justin Higgs, Erika Thomas, and Melissa Lynn (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

The benefits of pet therapy on the well-being of the elderly
Ashley Collins, Megan Chambers, and Conethia Turner (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

Cell phone vs. calculator performance
John Paul Paslay and Jennifer Young (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

Is the grass really greener: The Stroop Effect of color connotation
Prasant Akunuri, Leena Bhakta, and Christy Manzella (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

Do different majors perceive gender pronouns differently?
Heather Watts, Ashley Dudenbostel, and Tyler Beard (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

Perception of affordances with changes in body shape
Jessica DeVois and Jayna Dotson (William Langston)
Middle Tennessee State University

Self-efficacy as it relates to specific modeling
Corinna Schmidt (Charles Grah)
Austin Peay State University

Assessment and reconsideration of the armed forces retirement home survey
Kimberly Grube and Melissa Long (Stephen Truhon)
Austin Peay State University

Racism: America's worst problem
Jessica Houchins (John Bruni)
Western Kentucky University

Faculty ratings of students: A preliminary study
RaShae Jennings, Ron Brassel, Sarah Sparks, Brynn Neagle, Stacey Edwards (John Bruni)
Western Kentucky University

Inattentional blindness and comprehension
Kris Childers (John Bruni)
Western Kentucky University

Hand-eye coordination performance: Effects of an audience and distraction
Laura Infantino, Lindsay Skipper, and Sheila Umayan (John Pennington)
Middle Tennessee State University

Social facilitation: Does evaluation apprehension equal distraction?
James Bailey, Justin Loney, and Adrienne Maloney (John Pennington)
Middle Tennessee State University

Effects of a pedometer program on individual and class physical activity
Chrysalis Wright, Jamie Thorup, Laura Hopper, and Laura Jackson (Tom Brinthaupt)
Middle Tennessee State University
Young children’s nutrition knowledge in relation to their physical fitness levels
Renata Alexandre and Katy Fuqua (Tom Brinthaupt)
Middle Tennessee State University
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