Middle Tennessee Psychological Association
Spring Research Meeting
Middle Tennessee State University
May 1, 1999

8:00-8:30 AM Registration -- Lobby BAS*
8:30-9:20 AM Poster Session I -- Lobby BAS
9:30-10:20 AM Poster Session II -- Lobby BAS
10:30-11:30 AM Welcoming Remarks -- State Farm Lecture Hall 
   Dr. Gloria Bonner 
   Dean, College of Education, MTSU 

Keynote Address -- State Farm Lecture Hall 
"Critical Thinking:  None of Us Are Perfect" 
   Dr. James Kalat 
   North Carolina State University 

11:45-12:45 PM  Concurrent Paper Sessions 
Room Paper Session
328 BAS 
330 BAS 
332 BAS 
334 BAS
Gender Issues/Differences 
*  All events take place in the Business and Aerospace Building (BAS) at MTSU.  Click for directions and local information.
MTPA thanks Kristin Snow, Joanne Terhaar, and International Thomson Publishing for all of their assistance and support in hosting the 1999 Spring Research Conference.  Also, thanks are extended to Glen Garrett of Houghton Mifflin, and to all of the faculty sponsors who supervised students in the research projects presented at the 1999 meeting.

Middle Tennessee Psychological Association
Spring 1999 Meeting
Send email to MTPA

Poster Session I -- 8:30 to 9:20 AM
Lobby BAS

Genealogy and Family Ethnic Identification. Carol Hughes Gipson.  Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Steven Olivas. 
The Effects of Acute Exposure to Intense Illumination on the Antinociception Properties of Morphine in Male and Female Rats.  A. L. Beck, L. B Tucker, & F. Van Haaren.  Lipscomb University.  Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Paul Turner. 
Exploring Deferred Imitation in Young Children With Down Syndrome.  S. Lynette Jordan & Michelle E. Boyer-Pennington.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Michelle Boyer-Pennington. 
Marijuana Use and the Generation Effect.  Leigh Anne Dempsey, Marty Hester, & Daniel Brown.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
If a Picture is Worth 10,000 Words, Then a Spatial Metaphor Ought to be Worth about 5,000.  Neil Norman, Michelle Crawford-Williams, Marion Jones, & Matthew Carter.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
Reversed Speech: Psychology Talks Back.  Linda Clark, Rebecca Buxton, Brian Lee, Heather Whitehead, Troy Vaughn, & Carol Paschall.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
Does Watching TV Make You Read Slowly?  Matthew Carter & Josh Sharpe.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
Exploring the Stability of Self-Esteem and Self-Concept.  Tara Dry.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Tom Brinthaupt. 
Divorce Coping: Parents' Perspectives of Group Training.  Tracey Fox.  Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Kimberly Ujcich. 
Effects of Personality Upon Driving Behavior in the United States.  A. Michael West.  Middle Tennessee State University. Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Tom Brinthaupt. 
The Impact of Optimism on Perceived Stress and Illness.  Susan Conrad.  Milligan College.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lori L. Mills. 

Eating Beliefs Questionnaire: Test-retest Reliability.  Anita Krueger, Stacie Mukina, Jennifer Lutz, Kristie Moore, LaVaun Kelley, Christina Annicelli, Frederick Grieve, & Maureen McCarthy.  Austin Peay State University.  Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Frederick Grieve. 
Mortality Awareness and Health Perceptions.  Melissa Foster.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Tom Brinthaupt. 
Exploring the Limitations of the Pique Technique of Persuasion.  Maile Porter, Kari Thoman, Hunter Jones, & Kerri Mills.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
Differences in Territoriality as a Function of Maternal Status.  Jennifer Zorn, Jaclyn Wilson, Linda Hyland, & Patricia Davis.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington.

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Poster Session II -- 9:30 to 10:20 AM
Lobby BAS

Does the MTSU First Year Experience Program Improve Students' Transition to College?  Leigh Anne Dempsey & Marty Hester.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
If Giik Rhymes With Rick, How Do Children Read Ziim?  Tara Appleton & Jennifer Hood.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Stuart Bernstein. 
The Effects of a Musical Mood Induction on Story Continuation.  Janet Herrod, Sarah Frazier, & Charles Webster.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
Gesturing: Selfishness or Selflessness?  Tara Appleton & Mindy Patterson.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
The Role of Action in Imagery: Evidence from a Mental Rotation Task.  Shanna D. Ray.  Vanderbilt University. Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Daniel L. Schwartz. 
The Relationship Between Body Decoration and Personality.  Melissa McCallister, Chris Anderson, Elaine Elkins, Andre Williams, Veronica Kizer, & Andrea Starkey.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
Effects of Personality Upon Chosen Leisure Activities in Differing Living Environments.  A. Michael West. Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Tom Brinthaupt. 
Relationships Describing Facets of Perfectionism and Optimism in the High School Population.  Allison L. Beck & Charles R. Kane.  Lipscomb University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Paul Turner. 
Self-Mutilating Behavior.  Shane Lambert.  Milligan College.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lori L. Mills. 
Academic Cramming, Procrastination, and Flow.  Chul Shin.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Tom Brinthaupt. 
Male Territoriality When Choosing Pornographic Videos.  Brandi Cox & Robin Raper.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
It's Beer-Thirty:  Do You Know Where Your Stool Is?  Michal Moseley, Brandi Cirotto, & Justin Barrett.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. William Langston. 
The Development of Causal Attribution Vignettes.  Sonia Allan.  Western Kentucky University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John R. Bruni. 
The Effects of Type and Cost of Request on Compliance.  Jeffrey Thomas, Heidi Welch, Jessica Ray, & Valerie Sweatt.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington. 
Sex Differences in Territoriality While Using Public Telephones.  Veronica Swanson, Angie Perkey, Annette Curtis, & Leonard Gorman. Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John Pennington.
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Clinical Paper Session
328 BAS

Is the "Quest" for Religion Really Healthy?  A Study of Religious Orientation and Anxiety.  Shelly Spaulding.  Trevecca Nazarene University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Randy Carden. 
A Look in the Mirror: How Body Image Satisfaction Relates to Self-Esteem.  Elaine Murphree.  Trevecca Nazarene University.  Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Randy Carden. 
Counseling and Psychotherapy: Attitudes, Expectations, and Outcomes.  John Agee.  Western Kentucky University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John R. Bruni. 
The Relationship Between Obsessive Compulsive Behavior and Self-Talk.  Carla Sloke.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Tom Brinthaupt.
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Gender Issues/Differences Paper Session
330 BAS

Lesbian Partner Abuse in Middle Tennessee.  Kay Ann Meek.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Jeannette Heritage. 
Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Dating Relationship Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction.  Kristina Anders. Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Elizabeth Yost-Hammer. 
The Cultural and Gender Differences in the Naming Practice Between African-Americans and Caucasians.  Toni N. Thomas.  Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Elliot Hammer. 
Gender Differences in Awareness of Inner Speech.  Julie Cantrell.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Tom Brinthaupt. 
Perceptions and Fears: Homophobia, Fear of AIDS, and Locus of Control.  Aubrey L. Everhart.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Elizabeth Yost-Hammer.
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Experimental/Cognitive-Developmental Paper Session
332 BAS

The Effects of Color on Taste.  Alicia A. Stout-Reed.  Milligan College.  Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Lori L. Mills. 

The Effects of Arousing Pictures on Memory.  Kimberly J. Feldser, Deanna Vickers, Clark Fitzgerald, Chris Goodmaster, John Radcliff, & Steve Schmidt.  Middle Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Steve Schmidt. 

Can Babies Add and Subtract?  The Development of Numerical Reasoning in Infancy.  Jennifer Hughes Wagner, Gayathri Narasimham, & Shanna D. Ray.  Vanderbilt University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Daniel H. Ashmead. 

The Use of Polygraphs in Treating Adolescent Sex Offenders.  April Dugan.  Milligan College.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lori L. Mills.

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Social Paper Session
334 BAS

The Effects of Message Framing and Evocative Situations on Evaluations of Targeted Out-Group Members.  Dee Lisa A. Cothran.  Tennessee State University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Elliott Hammer. 

Vignettes: A Critique of Validation Strategies.  Shelly Ball.  Western Kentucky University. Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. John R. Bruni 

The Influence of Moral Beliefs and Social Conformity on Behavior.  Jennifer Chadwell.  Milligan College.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lori L. Mills 

The Relationship Among Adolescent Maturation, Athleticism, and Manipulated Self-Efficacy.  Jacquelyn Pennings.  Belmont University.  Faculty Sponsor:  Dr. Lonnie Yandell

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